38~the kidnap

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Hope you guys have not forgotten about how Aayan looks😁👆

Kamal was surprisingly quiet this morning
I tried talking to him but he was lost thinking about something

I hope he is okay

I texted Fareeda to inform her about the get together by 2:00pm today and she said she was free.

Now I'm reading hadith,I was at number ten when Aayan ran in giggling.

"Well,hello son.how was school?"i asked embracing him into a hug

"Fine!"he exclaimed giving me a sloppy kiss on my cheek

I removed his shoes followed by socks

He shows me a colourful bead bracelet and I raised my brows

"Hilwa,my friend"he explained before I could even ask who gave him

"Ah,the Hilwa you always fight with is now your friend?
Proud of you son,spread peace"i said proudly

Then we fist bumped grinning

"Lets get you ready"i said holding his tiny hands in mine

"We have a get together to attend"i added smiling

After I bathe him,I dressed him into a green lantern t-shirt and jeans with green vans.

I sat him on my laps taking selfie then carried Kamal's other phone to snap more selfies
We made different faces then we went downstairs

"Ah,Aayan is growing fast"Kamil said amusedly
"when are you giving him a younger one?"he asked with a teasing smile

Dad looked at me and I covered my face with my palms

"Stop teasing my daughter,tease your twin instead"Dad defended

Raliyah laughed softly

Kamil sighed the he said "Well i do that everyday to him.yet no outcome"

The living room was quiet because we were paying attention to the news

Few minutes later I got up and Raliyah joined me in the kitchen

We cooked lunch,by the time we were done Dad and Kamil left to the masjid to pray
Raliyah prayed in her room.

"Daddy More!"i heard Aayan squeal from outside

"Daddy?"i puzzled

The door opened,Dad walked in followed by Kamil then Kamal and Aayan.

"Welcome"i said smiling
He came home early today

"Thank You,I had break so i decided to take you to the get together myself"he said smiling and adjusting my scarf

"Really,thank you"i happily said looking into his eyes

"Can you continue your love stares later?
We are hungry here" Kamil whined

"Go get a wife!"Kamal exclaimed

After everyone was served
the door opened and Fareeda walked in holding a shopping bag with annoyed looking Fareed trailing behind.

"As salam alaikum beautiful people"Fareeda greeted excitedly
Fareed smiled

"Wa alaikumus salam"we chorused smiling

"Reeda!"Aayan exclaimed raising his hands excitedly

"Reeda?your kid is nice at giving Nick names,even I don't call her that"Fareed said dramatically

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