13~one step towards victory

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"Congratulations ,you are now a student in this school.
You can start your classes from tomorrow but you need to take your course outline for each lecturer to sign then you submit it back here.it's on till end of  the session so no rushing "the registrar said with a smile  handing over my credentials.

"Thank you"I said nodding

"Tomorrow you submit your admission letter and a passport to the class representative so that your identification card can be ready.but unfortunately our hostel space is not available,and you get yourself measured for your uniform"he added

"Ok,thank you"I said walking away with a smile.
I am worried about the hostel though but everything happens for a reason.

When I came out luckily the driver was here,so I greeted him hoping in and we left.

"As salam alaikum"I greeted entering the living room.

"Wa alaikumus salam,welcome back.how was the registration?"she said turning the television volume down.
It's a modern version unlike ours,I will never touch it before I spoil it

"It went well,I guess I am one of the students that registered really late"I said with a chuckle

"Its ok,if you anything just tell me"she assured

"Thank you Mrs Furaira"I said with a smile

"What did you call me?"she asked

"Mrs Furaira"I replied

"Yaran yanzu (children of nowadays)call me mother,watching American films has twisted your minds.I don't mind you calling me mother and my husband you call him father ,hope you dont"she said

"Ok,mother.thank you"I said,she got up and gave me a hug.
I missed hugging mama,hugging Mrs Furaira oh sorry she's mother from now.
Hugging mother has a motherly feeling.

"Mother!can you tell Fareeda to stop stalking me in school"Fareed shouted entering ,she lets go of me and shook her head

"Can you tell him to stop denying I'm related to him,his twin for that matter in school"Fareeda shouted while mother sat down siping her juice.

"I did not kill my parents,you two will not kill me.yara saikache(children like)enemies
You two shared this wombed together."mother said holding her tummy
"Fareeda have you forgotten your punishment "she reminded
"Surprisingly you came back together"she added with a chuckle

Fareeda looked at me
"Say sorry"I mouthed

"We are sorry,you calm down"Fareeda said softly

"Well,good thing Allah sent me another daughter"mother said looking at me

"Daughter in law sounds better"Fareed said

Mother glared at him

"Just kidding "he said laughing nervously

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