37~ the wedding invitation

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I felt Kamal gently shaking my shoulders then I heard him say something like "I'm going to the masjid"

After he left I woke up and since I was not praying and I want to avoid him I left to Aayan's room to sleep for some hours

Who wouldn't avoid him,he kissed me not just a peck
it's very different from the first one

Could he be falling for Me?No!that was not part of my plan

And i have to stay far away from him before he falls for me and divorce becomes hard.

I blew my nose with the wipes before I got carried away by sleep

I felt tiny hands on my cheeks blowing my face I opened my eyes tiredly

"Alarm,mummy"Aayan said handing my phone to me

I smiled at how cute he was trying to wake me up

I sat up then stretched before Aayan hugged me

"Good morning to you sunshine"i cooed softly and he smiled

I washed my face then carried my phone with my left and I carried him with my right placing him above my hips.

"What are we feeding you?"i asked because he weighs alot more

And he laughed as if I said a joke

After we got to the kitchen I placed him on the kitchen Island

"Good morning"Raliyah greeted with a smile

"Good morning"i greeted back smiling

"When are you writing the jamb?"i asked after bring out the pots

"In two days"she replied helping me rinse the vegetable

Aayn singing nasheeds I don't even comprehend because of his mixed up words but it sounds like "I am a Muslim child"

"Wow,Allah will see you through in sha Allah"i assured

"In sha Allah"she said
"You still have cold"she noticed from my sniffing

"Yes,the drugs don't seem to be working"i said feeling tired already

After we finished cooking the breakfast,I went to bath Aayan while I knew Kamal will be getting ready

So due to my calculations,after he gets ready he will go downstairs to discuss and that's when i will take my bath and we all eat breakfast

I walked into our room after sending Aayan downstairs with Raliyah.

I closed the door when I found out Kamal is downstairs as calculated

After I took my bath,got dressed in a Abaya that has army green embroidery on the sleeves and edge.

Baba bought it for me before they left and I was very happy

I wrapped my veil properly then smiled when I saw Kamal's labcoat and stesthescope.
He found out I was ignoring him so he left something that will make me talk to him

That doctor of a husband can be smart sometimes

I took a deep breath

"Why should you even ignore him?is he not your lawfully wedded husband?besides kissing him doesnt mean you must stay married forever" I scold my myself before carrying his labcoat and stesthescope with me.

"There she is"Dad exclaimed

I smiled greeting everyone but what was never unnoticed was how Kamal blew his nose

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