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I took my family to the guest house
And left to prepare something for them

"Why do i have a feeling that your parents didnt know about us?
And why do i feel like there is a motive behind you agreeing to marry me?"a voice asked from behind

I definately know is Kamal
I ignored him and continue chopping the vegetables

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around
Facing him

"Im talking to you"he said angrily forcing me to look into his eyes

"You want answers?fine!i ran away from home to study nursing
Baba didnt want me to come
Didnt you hear what he said the first time you introduced yourself"i replied with teary eyes
He looked shocked

"Let go of my wrist!"i said trying to be free

He tightened it more

"The girl i married ran away from home,very funny of you.
I wanted to hear from you
Girls,thats your problem
You always carry out a decision without thinking it through"he mockingly said with a smirked

I smiled,tears rolling down my cheeks due to the pain he was causing me

"Is because you dont have a sister thats why"i said seeing the way he has been treating girls since i met him

He quickly lets go of my wrist avoiding my eyes

"It was not only mom that died that day
Nafisa also
My younger sister,she was the most fun loving creature and she spreads joy everywhere she goes back then"he said sadly walking away to the door side
I gasped

"Im so sorry
Why didn't Fareeda tell me about?"i asked sadly

"Her death was too painful for Fareeda because they were like twins"he replied looking around

"Is that why you are like this Kamal?
Nonchalant towards your religion?
Towards your family?
Dont you know of a thing called Qadr?"i asked thoughtfully

Kamal kept silent and i switched the cooker off waiting for an answer

"Even with all my good behaviour
My prayers
The two most important females in my life didnt survive
So why should i continue praying?hoping and hurting myself?"he asked angrily
I shook my head

I walked towards him
Holding his hand
I looked into his eyes
"My mom used to say you should make your heart the most beautiful thing about you.
Many people,thousands of people sleep today and wake up in their graves tomorrow
Some weren't able to repent"i placed one of my hand on the upper left side of his chest
"Kamal you know the truth deep down
You know the five pillars of islam
Six articles of faith
You have all the surahs in your brain
You should remember where Allah swt said he would test us with death,poverty,children...you know more
Have you ever wondered how your father is feeling after loosing his wife and daughter?
Or Kamil
They still had faith
They still prayed
You are already a father would you like Aayan to be like present you when he grows?"i said softly with a sad smile
He shook his head

"Your mother and your sister may their souls rest in peace Ameen,need your prayers the most now.....please Kamal we all deserve the right to love and care for our family"i added

We stared at each other for some minutes
Nobody was ready to talk
Maybe he is trying to process the information

He pushes me away softly and walks away.
I wipied my tears and went back to cooking

"After all my family is here"i said to myself with a smile

Raliyah walked into the kitchen with My sisters behind

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