39~the kidnap (ii)

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Kamal's pov

"I told you to be be careful!"i shouted and Malak seemed frightened

I hit my hand on the steering wheel angrily

Why on earth will someone kidnap my son?

"Kamal is not her fault she loves him alot"Fareeda tried to reason

"Shut up Fareeda!"i shouted riding on full speed

"Oh are you angry?are you the only one that cares?
Why don't you stop the car and beat us up?"Fareeda challenged smartly

"I am not a coward"i reminded her for some reason trying to calm down

We reached home and I dropped them then I drove away to Yusuf's house,I will rescuse my son
By hook or by crook

"Don't tell me you are done with your honey moon phase cause it's been long you visited"Yusuf teased after he picked the call

"Come out Yusuf,I am not in a good mood that's why I can't come inside"i said angrily

Few minutes later he came out in his police uniform looking worried
I guess he was coming from the station

"Are you okay Kamal?"he asked placing his hand on my shoulder

"Aayan has been kidnapped"i said closing my eyes to stop tears from falling

"Which Aayan?"he asked confused

"My son ofcourse,how many Aayan do you know?"i asked angrily shrugging his hand off my shoulder

He kept quiet for sometime

"Lets go find him"he said adjusting his cap

He collected the car keys while i dailed the number Malak gave me to call.

"I want my son back before tomorrow"i ordered after the person picked

The person laughs" I was expecting your call"

"What do you want?"i asked

"Now listen carefully........."the person began

Malak's pov

"Malak eat ,your starving won't bring him back"Fareeda said

"Neither will my eating"i retorted wiping my tears

"You are so stubborn"Mother said and everyone present nodded

Kamal walks in
I look behind him and no sign of Aayan

"Kamal"i called approaching him

"I have been calling your number but number busy"Dad said worriedly

"Any news?"Father asked

"What do they ask for ransom?"i decided to ask because I knew he called them
He looked down at me cause I was standing infront of him

Kamal kept quiet staring at me then he enveloped me into a hug

"Five hundred thousand naira"he said and I sighed

"Then what are you doing here?go get the money"i said anxiously

"And to divorce You,thrice"he added his chin placed above my head

And it echoed in my ears again and again

Divorce I was told this word before I married Kamal

Am I ready to let him divorce me?

Am I ready to stop handing over labcoat and stesthescope to him every morning?

Am I ready to stop seeing his cheeky smile?

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