29~Goodbye or not

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The naming ceremony was carried out successfully
Alhamdulilah and everyone left except close family.

"We will take our leave brother"Father said smiling

"I thought you are staying till Isha"Dad puzzled

"Inna it was nice meeting you "Mother said placing her hand softly on Inna' s hand.

"You too May Allah bless you and your children"Inna said looking at Fareeda and Fareed

"Ameen" we all chorused

"And you after your exams come and do one week"Mother said to me
Fareeda nodded smiling

Kamal eyes widened "mother!"he exclaimed

"What?can't you stay a week without her?"Fareed asked

"I can but Aayan"Kamal said pointing at Aayan who seems absent minded to the conversation

"He is coming with her"mother said and Kamal groaned

And everyone laughed

Mother,Father,Fareed and Fareeda left happily.

Everyone gathered back into the living room.
I was sitting next to Kamal and Aayan seemed to be having fun playing with his father.

Untill he saw Yusra taking Zobo

"I want!"he exclaimed stretching his hands

"No"Yusra said shaking her head in addition

"Give him"Inna said strictly

Yusra gave him the bottle reluctantly,i tried holding it for him but he thought I will drink it so he pulled it away and it spilled all over our clothes.

Kamal laughed at my surprised expression

"Aayan!"i called

"Sorry mummy!"Aayan said in a tiny voice and I just smiled excusing myself

I carried him along ofcourse

Kamal's pov

I watched as Baba(Malak's father)stood up gaining everyone's attention.

"I want to thank you all for taking care of my daughter and we will be leaving tomorrow in sha Allah"he said with an appreciative smile

"Stay for more days"Dad suggested but Baba shook his head no.

"No,my daughter's in laws place?I wanted to come and see how she is doing when I heard she was married,i got worried but now I have seen the hands of people shes into.i know you are going to take care of her in sha Allah"Baba admitted and we all smiled at his words

"Yes but concerning Malak please forgive her"I finally spoke

Baba kept quiet and we all knew he is still angry

"You are one stubborn man"Dad said after Baba sat back in his place
Inna shook her head at Baba.

Malak came in dressed in a simple pink abaya and Aayan dressed in a superman shirt,she sat where she was sitting before

Next to me
"What did I miss?"she asked in a whispered tone

"Alot"i whispered back

"Tell me"she said in a demanding tone

"Pay me"i said smiling trying to hold her hand

"Kamal!"she called looking at me

"Malak!"i called smirking at her

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