28~finding oneself

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*Kamal's pov

I walked into the house tiredly
Its 3:00am now everyone should be asleep i guess

Reaching the room i found Malak fast asleep at the study table with her note books all over the table

"How determined could she be?"i whispered to myself

I tapped her shoulder twice and she quickly woke up and looked around.

"What's the time?"she asked rubbing her eyes

"Its 3:10am"i replied squatting by her side

"How was the hospital?"she asked sleepingly

"Stressful"i replied
Then i looked at the desk

"What are you reading?"i asked getting up

"Biology"she replied trying to get up
"Let me get you something to eat"she added

"Please i will appreciate or lets just go"i said softly
She walked out and i followed her

"You havent eaten thats why you look so stresed out"i said thoughtfully as she opens the cooler

"How?"she asked

"Im a doctor and i know you for almost three months now to know how?"i asked

She serve me my food and was going to serve another  plate

"No...lets eat together
You need to get back to your reading"i suggested

She stood with her mouth wide open
"Well,its 3:30 am"i added

She scoffed as she sat on a chair next to mine

After we finished eating,we dragged our feet to the room
Malak  sleepingly fell flat on the bed next to Aayan mumbling
"I will wash the plate later
I will read later
Sorry im sleeping on the bed again"

I chuckled as walked away to the bathroom




*Malak's pov

I woke up to my alarm and kamal was not around
Was i dreaming about him coming back yesterday?

I performed abulution and prayed fajr.
"As salam alaikum"Kamal called entering with a smile

That's  weird
"I see you have woken up"he said again walking towards me
I stared

"Quit looking at me that way"he said sitting  in front of  me on the mat

He grabbed my hands softly
"You know when i used to not pray,fast,go to parties,hang out with girls?
I was pretending to be happy
To me its better than hoping and disappointing my heart, i chose to find joy in all the useless things
There was no better joy than praying with dad,kamil and Aayan the other day after two years of my life
I felt complete
I thought doing bad will make me complete
And im bad at being bad"he said with teary eyes
And i chuckled with teary eyes

He continued"i seem to have forgotten with even the bad side of life
Allah gave me so many blessings
Hearing Aayan calling me daddy is one,
Eating your food
Or seeing you glare at me for being so dumb even when im a doctor"he added

We laughed wiping our tears

"Or you glaring at me for not praying or not having manners
And another blessing is me,you and everyone together
Pretending to be a bad boy around the  best people could be really hard"he said smiling
"And you are my last blessing for now"he added placing a finger on my nose playfully and i laughed

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