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Have some early dose of Malak 😁😂

So here i am in dad's office with the lecturer

"Sir with all due respect I gave her F because she cheated,she answered every question correctly and the definition was the one from the book"he said confidently

"But she said she did not
So now she wants to prove that she deserve that grade"Dad said getting up from his chair

"And since you are insisting and she is also insisting I say you give her another test
If she pass it proves she never cheated and if she fails you can give her the F"Dad suggested and the lecturer looked up angrily

"She will write it infront of me and two  other lecturers including you then you will mark it immediately"Dad added and I smiled

"Well i agree"the lecturer said glaring at me


He stood up and left

"Thank you"i said smiling

"You are welcome,it's my duty"dad assured smiling

Last period before closing i was called by the lecturer to take another exams

The lecturer that failed me glared at me but i smiled knowing in sha Allah i will pass again and this time around he will be proven wrong

After two hours I handed the paper over to him with a smirk and he showed me his famous glare

After fourty minutes,the other lecturer studied everything he marked then nodded in agreement

"You have an A"the other lecturer declared with a smile

"Alhamdulilah"i said happily

The other lecturer got up and left then Dad spoke with a proud smile"i could have easily used my power and passed her knowing she is my daughter in-law but because I trusted her ability I suggested the test Mr Jamil my daughter in law who is like a daughter to me is above being a cheater"

The lecturer gaped,yeah not everuone knew I was married to Kamal
Especially the lecturers,the students might know cause of group gossip but not all lecturers knew.

"I am so sorry sir"the lecturer apologised with an embrassed expression

"Sorry for yourself"dad said looking away

He walked away feeling embrassed
Dad approached me tapping my head proudly and I smiled

"I am sorry"he said
Referring to the divorce issue

"No don't be dad"i assured smiling

And he walked away leaving me with my thoughts


Mother entered the room telling Fareeda to excuse us

She sat next to me and took my hands into hers
"Malak I am here to speak to you as a mother
The one that you have been calling me,
Don't you know the woman that asks for divorce from her husband without any sensible reason,the Fragrance of paradise will be forbidden to her"she said and it really rang through by brain

"Is Kamal not treating you right?"she asked worriedly

I shook my head no

"Has he ever forced himself on you?"she asked again

"No never!"i exclaimed

"Then why crush such a beautiful relationship that has started blooming?"she asked sadly

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