65~the dreams we worked hard for

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5th May,

Today is my induction,
The twins naming ceremony was one week ago and they were named Rukkaiya and Fatima(After our late mothers)

But we call Rukkaiya,Huda and Fatima,Zahra

I was suppose to travel back home but is because of the induction we shifted it to after my induction
I am staying with mother because of the wakan jego(post delivery special bath)

"What is our darling nurse thinking about?" Kamal asked hugging me from behind his chin on my shoulder

"Nothing Doctor of Hayati(my life)"i replied kissing his cheek

"Should we not go and work for the little brother Aayan wants"he teased making me turn to face him

"You know that's not possible"i said pushing his chest gently before I adjust my veil

"Mummy!Aayan"Farha called running into the room
Farha who is now two years plus,looked exactly like her mother
Its true Farha always spread happiness where ever she went,she was very peaceful and friendly to everyone she meets

Aayan ran in with a lipstick
Aayan has grown taller than his other age mates and it makes me sad how he no longers calls me for everything
Now he can bath himself,dress himself,feed himself but i always read him stories to bed
There was no more jealous Aayan because he knew he had to share me with his siblings
Apart of his korean genes,he got Kamal's character

"I caught her putting it,isn't she too young for that?"he asked and she pouted

"Ah possessive brother much"Kamal said smiling

"You are in trouble"i said to Farha and she grinned showing her milk teeth

Naim walked in shyly

He held Farha's hand pulling her away

Even though she seniors him with some months they still seem to be best friends

Aayan followed them

I received a text from Rachel

"Where are you?everyone is here already"

I gasped sitting on the bed

Kamal handed me the Huda

I breast fed the babies quickly before we carried them going out of the room


We placed them in the double trolley coming down from the car

Mother collected it and they all went to settle at the guest section

Kamal kissed my forehead gently before we parted ways

"And presenting to our professor Mr Patrick to present the degree to our 2022 set of Isna"the host said and we all clapped

We were called one by one then settled in our seats as they started giving awards

Amina got well behaved
Ismail got most punctual
Rachel got most active
Ali got most creative
Zainab got most spontaneous

"And finally the most Amazing student of the year academically and socially
She is overall in all field
She is the best making our nursing school top other nursing schools
She has the best results since she got into this school maintaining her scolarship from day one,Malak Ayyub"the host called and I gasped getting up to collect the award and could see my family cheering and clapping

"Never thought coming to Abuja will be so good
I came with the intention to make mine and my mom's dream come true and I met so many amazing people that I can't thank enough even if I spent my whole life  thanking them
This Amazing award is for everyone of you from
My grandmother down to my two twins
I love you all.may Allah bless you alll
To my lecturers and coursemates
And my husband who has been very supportive
He has been my everything
My doctor,my tutor,my best friend.let me not talk to too much"i said and all the people crying burst into laughs wiping their tears

"This is to the dreams we worked for!"i exclaimed

"To the dreams we worked for!"my coursemates chorused

And i spotted Inna,Baba,Zaina,Yusra with Mr Imam at the back seat clapping

My heart was delighted,I was on cloud nine I wiped my happy tears sitting with my mates

After all the speeches
Dad announced his retirements
We snapped pictures then

We counted one to three before we shouted "to the dreams we worked for!"

Throwing our cups up in the air

The graduates of 2022🎓🎓🎓🎓
Malak 😢😭😢has grown so well and fast I am proud of her
Very very proud
So manage this I have never been to an induction before I just imagined and added some things


Fee Amanillah 🍀🍀💚💚

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