63~happy family

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21st April,

I was holding Farha in my Arms whispering things to her while Kamal was taking coffee early in the morning

"Good morning,mummy and Daddy"Aayan said with a smile

sitting right in our middle

"Good morning son"we said unison
He sat up a bit and kissed Farha on her forehead then he went back to his earlier position and started gisting Kamal about the dream he had about flying cars

I even saw Kamal crunch his nose at something he said but i wasn't paying attention to what they were saying.

Yes,Yusuf got married to Zainab
As in Zainab,the one in my school
As in Zainab,Ismail's sister
Actually there was two wedding Fatiha's
Zainab's and Maryam's(Ismail's other sister)
They are triplets remember?

So today it's dinner and we are invited,I have no choice but to attend.

I handed Farha to Kamal before i got up to make breakfast on my way out i heard Aayan squeal then he said"she's copying you daddy"

i laughed walking away

"Ina kwana(good morning)"i greeted Raliyah after I entered the kitchen

"Lafia lau(very fine) Alhamdulilah"Raliyah replied with a smile

Then we started making breakfast

Due to Raliyah going to university also, i normally take Farha with me to school but i will leave her in baby care then when we are on break I will go see her

"Malak,May Allah always bless your family with happiness
May it always be a happy family"Raliyah prayed breaking the silence

"Ameen, Raliyah"i said happily

"My mother said she's sending the dry fruits for you"Raliyah said with an expression that shows she just remembered

"Oh that's Amazing,i will have to call later  and thank her"I said smiling

Raliyah smiled and she got back to rinsing the plates


We arrived at the venue,I held Farha close to me coming down from the car

Kamal got down at the same time Aayan and Raliyah got down from the back seat

"Is it strange that Yusuf got married to his cousin that used to crush on Me?"Kamal whispered to me as we walk side by side

"Very strange,husband but im sure they will find love in the marriage soon"i whispered back confidently
Allah works in mysterious ways I'm sure he knows why he brought them together

"Arranged marriages are not bad  sometimes"i added smirking

"I can give a testimony"Kamal whispered placing his arms around my shoulders

We chuckled then stopped by Mother's table to greet them
Raliyah and Aayan sat with them while Kamal,Farha and i went to see the couples

Fareeda was the only one not present because she was feeling feverish
But I made call with her and she said she took drugs and all she needed was sleep

Hashim had to come because Yusuf is his friend but he kept checking his phone every now and then,he is worried about his love.how sweet

"You should be here since but i wouldn't be angry because you are now a family man"Yusuf said thoughtfully with a smile
And i smiled back

"That is why you are the best"Kamal said placing his hands on his shoulders while I walked to Zainab's side

"Zainab,congratulations"i said smiling and Farha stayed quiet

"Thank you.this doesn't not mean we are suddenly best friends though
And your daughter is beautiful she looks like me somehow"Zainab said with a smile

I shook my head laughing at her silliness

"The way Allah brings people together is amazing,I hope we learn to like each other for our husband's friendship sake"i said softly then glanced at Farha

"And who told you I love him?"she asked making me to look up

"You will,Allah didn't bring you two together to hate him"i assured smiling

Then she he looked her Yusuf who seemed lost in a conversation with Kamal

When he laughed,her eyes twinkled with admiration

Just then I knew sooner or later their love will bloom

I greeted Maryam and her husband at the other side and she was so happy
I heard hers was love marriage

I got down from the stage to meet up with my friends

"Hey babes,we saw your happy family entrance"Rachel said looking up from her iPhone X max
I sat next to her adjusting Farha then kept the bag next to my chair so that i wouldn't block the people behind

I smiled at her statement

"Ismail now that your sisters are married don't you want to feel among?"i asked with a teasing smile

"I would have but i am still schooling you know"he replied smiling at Amina who is sitting on the chair facing his

"It's doesn't matter"she blurted then her eyes widened when she realised what she said

"What?"i asked with a raised brow while Rachel's jaw dropped dramatically

"You two I have noticed something
Amina is always talking about you"Rachel said pointing fingers at them

"And you are always talking about her"Aliyu said to Ismail

"The truth is we love each other and we plan on getting married soon
I even spoke to her parents and Aliyu stop acting surprised, you escorted me!"Ismail confessed giving Aliyu an annoyed look

Amina looked down while Rachel and I exchanged looks

Aliyu scratched his neck nervously

"You all knew except Malak and I!Amina why?"Rachel exclaimed a little bit loud
Earning looks from the people around

"I am sorry I just found it awkward telling Malak considering the fact that Ismail used to like her and if I tell you
You will definatley tell her"Amina confessed looking guilty and Rachel nodded

"Woah isn't this a confession table?"i asked in a joking manner
Trying to light up the tension a bit

We all looked at one another before we burst into laughs ignoring people's glare then we paid attention to the event

I removed Farha's feeder from the bag putting it in her mouth as she sucked impatiently

"Thank God you didn't cry"i whispered with a smile

The only time Farha cries is when she's hungry,when she is being left alone and when she wants to sleep

After the dinner,the kids were still awake I wonder how

We got into the car and left

Kamal and Dad's car followed behind

Reaching home everyone retired to their bedrooms except Aayan who insisted he sleeps with us

I came out of the closet after changing when I heard squeal and laughter

"Mummy!Farha is laughing come see!"Aayan exclaimed

I rushed to the bed and is true Farha was laughing for the first time and her gums were showing

"Look she has dimples"Kamal cooed and I smiled

Yes,she has dimples like her mother

Jamila really left her carbon copy of her as a gift

I smiled wiping my tears while Kamal and Aayan kept making her laugh

There we go,Zainab is married
Ismail and Amina are in love
Our Farha had her first laugh😂
I say see you soon💚🍀


Fee Amanillah 💚🍀

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