43~the suicide

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Everyone at home didn't want to bring the topic up but im sure they will
So immediately after fajr I went into the kitchen

"Malak,daga zuwa sai aiki(You just came and you started working)"Mother said the moment she entered the kitchen
She looks  younger everyday

"It takes my mind off things"i replied smiling

"So you are resuming school tomorrow but have you checked your results?"she asked carrying the kettle

"Actually I didn't but i will in sha Allah(if Allah wills)"i replied slicing the vegetables

After we made breakfast and set the table

Fareeda came downstairs glaring at me
Last night ,she tried scolding me but father said no one will pressure me,i should think and decide what I'm much more comfortable with and we would act like i came here for a visit

And i was very grateful but Fareeda kept giving me silent treatment

"Here I made you a sandwich without tomatoes"i said passing a plate of sandwiches to Fareeda
She doesn't like it with tomatoes

She collected ignoring me

After breakfast, Fareeda and Fareed left for school while Father left for work it was only Mother and I

"Malak,I saw these amazing long sleeved  Straight gowns and I bought it for you.you can be wearing them with kimono and also instead lapaya"mother said entering the living room with a shopping bag

"Yeah Jazakillahu khairan(May Allah reward you with goodness) mother"i said after looking at the beautiful gowns
There was red and black

"Ameen wa anti fa Jazakillahu khairan(and you too May allah reward you with goodness)"she said smiling

My phone rings interrupting our discussion and it was Kamal

"He doesn't want to go to school untill you sing for him"Kamal said the moment i picked

"Give him the phone"i said sadly

I excused myself from the living room

"Aayan"i called softly

"Mummy I miss you"he said

"I miss you more"i assured

"Sing for me"he said happily

And i sang "my mom is amazing by zain bikka" for him
I heard his giggles and I laughed with teary eyes

"I love you okay"i assured sadly

"I love you too,daddy loves you too.m.."he began

Before he could complete his sentence the call was hung up

i wiped my tears walking back to the living room

"I was going to get you,I'm tired of keeping my hair these way so can you plait it for me?"Mother asked

"No problem mother"i assured

After I plaited mother we watched a movie then we prepared lunch before the Azan for Zuhr prayers was called

After Zuhr prayers we ate lunch before Fareeda and Fareed arrived

"How was school?"i asked them

"It was great"Fareed replied walking away to his room

Fareeda rolled her eyes going to her room and I quickly followed

"Fareeda why are you giving me silent treatment?"i asked annoyed and sad at
thesame time

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