62~jealous Aayan

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19th April,

Taking care of a new born baby was never easy especially the late nights cries

But Alhamdulilah we have been trying

And today is her naming ceremony,the males are in the living  room while the females are in a large spare room blessing the baby,taking pictures,eating and discussing

"Wow Malak,God keeps blessing you with  children without going through pain"Rachel blurted

"But then I want to experience the pain even if its once"i said hopefully

I want to experience giving birth,I know it's stressful but then I want to know how it feels

"And you will dear in sha Allah"mother encouraged from the sofa she was sitting on

"In sha Allah(if Allah wills)"I said softly looking at Farha

"Mummy,remove my buttons for me"Aayan said anxiously after he ran into the room

Farha suddenly starts crying

"Your sister is crying wait a little"i said ignoring him while I put the feeder into her mouth

"Mummy you don't care anymore
I don't want a baby sister"he yelled stumping his foot

"You don't play with me anymore"he added with a frown

"It's always about her"he said again pointing at Farha

And the room went silent

"Aayan!"i called

And he ran out

I feel so bad but then I guess he is going downstairs to Kamal

"Young mummy"Amina said and I smiled

"So Zaynab is really getting married,I just saw her pre wedding pics"Rachel said looking up from her phone

"I know because she is getting married to Kamal's best friend,Yusuf turns out he is their cousin"i said and i noticed
Fareeda eating the peppered chicken happily

"Wow,so you are invited"Rachel said with a raised brow

"We all are actually,Ismail invited us"Amina said smiling

"Malak has double invitation"Rachel said while Raliyah sat at a dinner reading a handout

"So you and Zainab will magically become best friends too"Rachel joked and Amina laughed

"No im the best friend here"Fareeda corrected keeping the plate aside with a frown

And we all laughed softly before Farha started crying so i carried her to the balcony in our room,feeding her

I realised she likes the Balcony out of any place in this house

"Farha,your mother loves you okay"i whispered

her eyes twinkled at my statement
she finished the milk,I walked of our room to the spare room

I placed the baby in mother's arms going downstairs to check if they need anything and get Aayan

When I got there they were discussing about politics as usual

Kamal noticed me getting up,I looked around the room After greeting them but no sign of the little guy

"I can't find Aayan"i said when Kamal pulled me into the corridor

"Oh he went upstairs since"Kamal said softly 

"I thought he was coming here when he ran out of the room"i said with a worried expression 

"Did you asked Raliyah?"he asked rubbing my arms

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