23~you wish

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I woke up to find myself still in bed
With Kamal at the other end.
Kamal didn't wake me up,strange!
and I checked time to find out it was time for fajr.

I performed abulution then decided to wake Kamal.

"Wake up"I said tapping his hand

"It's always Malak!"he shouted turning away

"It's time for fajr"I said softly

"Shut up,my grave and yours isn't the same"he said grabbing a pillow and throwing it at my face

"You are my husband even though I don't like you
Kamal do you know how many people sleep at night and wake up in their graves
You might never live to see tomorrow
And you know if you die its you and your deeds
No money
Will help"I said thoughtfully with folded arms even though he turned his back

"Can you just stop your preaching?"he asked angrily

"I'm telling you the truth"I said firmly
I went and carried the praying mat to set it at the right direction

"I don't want to.you have even made the sleep go away,I have no choice that to pray"he said getting up and walking away to the bathroom.

I smirked looking at him.

Few minutes later he came out and took the lead
His recitation was good Masha Allah

I don't really know why he wants to be bad.

After we fajr he threw my pillow to the couch but too bad for him
I don't really sleep after fajr except I didn't sleep in the night.

When I came out of the bathroom fully dressed for the day I heard Kamal making calls.

"Yes,sweetheart.I will surely make it to the club"he said softly
"Wear your really nice short dress,lawisah"he added

Lawisah?a Muslim girl following a married man.

"Well shes giving him what you cant" a voice spoke in my head

I stood in front of him,glaring

"Club? Girls?is this what you want Aayan to be learning?"I asked disappointed at this side of Kamal.

"No,I don't know the purpose of you marrying me
But you are not my mother
I allowed Aayan to call you mum because I had no choice"he warned pointing a finger at me

"So you went to see Lawisah yesterday night that's why you couldn't come back on time for the shopping?"I asked angrily

"What did i say about posing as my mom?"he asked sitting up

"Whatever,do whatever you want
Get hiv and aids
Thank God I don't share any intimate relationship with you
I am safe, good thing you are a doctor
If you catch the disease you treat yourself"I said angrily walking away to the dressing mirror to apply a little make up.

"You know what!go and make me yam porridge"he said suddenly

"What if I don't want?"I asked applying perfume on my neck and on my clothes

"You preach so much but you seem to forget your Jannah is under my foot
If you die today and leave me unpleased Allah will be angry with you"he reminded with a smirk.i could see it all thanks to reflection mirror gives

"I seem to wonder how you switch button From being dumb to sensible"I wondered with furrowed brows

"I will make your life miserable.you will run to your village in no time"he threatened getting up

"You wish"I said keeping all my make up back to the vanity then tied my head tie

"Very well then,my wife.I need yam porridge don't worry about Aayan I have learnt have to bath small kids"he announced

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