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Kamal took a right turn instead of left

"Kamal"i called looking around

"Umm"he answered his attention on the road

"Are we not going home?everyone must be worried"i reminded looking at him while Aayan played with my bracelet

"I texted Dad and told them not to worry
It's been a long time we had family time
You can text your friends and tell them we are alright"he said smiling

"Okay"i said unlocking my phone

"Don't worry I wouldn't kidnap you"he joked

I chuckled

"But you will wait for us to pray magrib before we go to where i plan"he informed giving me a glance

"I never said I was not praying"i pointed out

"But are you?"he asked smiling

I smiled looking away

"There is no need to be shy of me
I was taught all this in school and know you enough to know if you are praying or not"he explained
I look down at Aayan and he giggled playing with my fingers

"Like for instance you pray nafilahs before fajr and if you are not praying you don't"he added

"If you notice this why don't you join me some other time?"i suggested and he sighed

"In sha Allah,I will try"he said softly

"I understand we will take it slowly"i assured him placing my hand on his as a support

"Well thank you"he said smiling

"No thank You"i said smiling

The car went silent untill Aayan started singing all sorts of nasheeds that he couldn't pronounce the words well But from the tone you could guess the song.

"Aren't you interested in nasheeds these days?"Kamal asked pulling Aayan's cheek softly

"Well is what they teach them"i reasoned trying to adjust the shoes he wants to remove

"True"Kamal agreed

"No mummy!"Aayan screamed trying to push my hand

"Stay still"i said giving him a straight face and he stayed still

He parked at the central masjid parking lot before getting down and came to my side to carry Aayan

"Allah?"Aayan asked Kamal when he spotted the building

"Yes,lets go pray to Allah"Kamal replied carrying him

I closed the door,quickly texted everyone that was worried And i received quick replies and I was grateful for having them in my life.

I started watching videos till I heard the door opened

"Boo!"Kamal exclaimed
"Why aren't you startled?"he asked when he saw my state

"Why would I when I know it's you?"i asked smiling

"Well lucky you"he said

They entered the car and he passed Aayan to me

Then he gave me a black plastic bag

"Mmm what's in there?"i asked curiously

"Wait till we get home"he said with a grin

After thirty minutes drive we arrived at sugar high

"Sugar high?"i asked looking around

"Yeah people get hyper on sugar"he pointed out smiling

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