44~the stalker

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After our regular morning routine,I left with Fareeda
The driver will drop me at school then drop her off at hers

"I am sorry"i heard her say

I looked at her surprise

"Yes is me that spoke.Fareeda, your closest friend,your husband's cousin,your son's aunty"she said smiling and i chucked

"I am sorry is just that you are more happier with your little family and you two made me love love even more but now I am scared because one moment you are with someone looking all lovey dovey,the next you are back home.i am still angry with you but i know you will realised how life is so empty without Kamal and you will go for him"she added smiling

And she pulled me into a hug,I smiled hugging her back tightly

"So here you go start your second semester with a smile"she said when we reached the gate of my school

"And I'm so so happy for you with your result I heard when you were telling mother but i was pretending to be asleep in the room"she confessed and I smiled

I got down saying goodbye
I went into the school building
My phone was ringing so i tried getting it out of my bag but then I bumped into someone

"Ouch!"i exclaimed

"Don't you see where you are going?"i asked at he stood there looking at me

"Other people excused me by walking out of my way but you you were also busy in your phone "i scolded and he was just smiling

"Hello I am talking to you"i said clicking my fingers

"Hi i came to see my father and I never knew angels school here
I would have become a nurse instead of engineer
I am Faisal by the way"he said smiling

I gaped all what I said was in vain
His attention was somewhere else

"You bumped into me"i reminded him and he sighed

"Oh yeah,I am sorry"he apologised will smiling
And i found it annoying

"Can i have your number?"he asked bringing his phone forward

"No"i said walking away

"I will surely get it!"he shouted and rolled my eyes

I hurried into the lecture hall

"Malak!"Rachel exclaimed waving

I walked towards them

"Are you going to meet the lecturer during break?"Amina asked
I told the my result yesterday
And we had this conference call expressing our happiness
I slept off waiting for Kamal's call anyways

"Yes"i replied

"I'm just glad all of us have good grades,my mom was right good friends help you with everything"Aliyu spoke smiling

"I love you guys"Rachel said

"Love you too"we all said in unison

"This is to successful second semester and all the other semesters"she added smiling

"Ameen"we all said in unison exchanging smiles

"Welcome back everyone but i am delighted to say that nursing school just got tougher"the anatomy lecturer said with a smirk

"Oh God!"Amina exclaimed dramatically and we all swallowed spit

After three lectures it was break so i decided to go meet the lecturer

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