11~hello to the new life

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I woke up just in time and didn't find Fareeda in bed,but i could hear the sound of water running from the tap that means she is performing abulution.

I rubbed my eyes saying the supplication of when one wakes up.

"You can use the bathroom now"Fareeda said with a smile.


I performed abulution then prayed.
Fareeda surprisingly went back to sleep,I was not use to sleeping after Fajr prayers.

So i went to the kitchen. Swept it,Mopped it
and Washed the plates.
Then I decided to fry pancakes just as mama taught me when I used to help her in the kitchen.

Finding things in the kitchen was not hard because the grains and cereals were in one cupboard.

The spices in another,small kitchen appliances were outside,on the counter.
Kitchen assoceries were in another cupboard.
Fareeda's mom is just organised like mama.

I fried enough pancakes then decided to make some custard to go with it.after i finished i took everything to the dinning room
Swept and mopped the living room and the corridors then went back to Fareeda's  room to take my bath.

When I came out Fareeda was missing,I got dressed and left to the dinning room to find everyone there eating.

"Mother,you said our housekeeper went on a break?"Fareed asked covering her pancakes with honey

"Yes,glad you changed.bless you"Mrs Furaira said to Fareeda putting sugar into her cup of custard

"What did i do?"Fareeda asked flabbergastedly

"Were you not the one who made the breakfast"Mrs Furaira asked ,Fareeda shook her head no

"I knew it"Fareed said with a smirk and Fareed glared at her

"Mother you weren't the one?"Fareeda asked and Mrs Furaira shook her head no then she noticed me by the stairs.

"Then it's definitely Malak,come sit.why are you standing there ?"Mrs Furaira called and I sat next to Fareeda opposite Fareed.

"Malak,I'm sorry I over slept.Your first morning here and I failed"she added sadly

"Its ok,I by the way don't sleep after Fajr so I decided to just help with the chores"I assured with a smile

"Why didn't you wake her?"Mrs Furaira said referring to Fareeda

"So wifey material"Fareed said in a dreamy tone with a creepy smile

"Snap out of it young man"Mr Halilu said

"Marrying her wouldn't be that bad"Fareed suggested

"You will make her uncomfortable"Mr Halilu said and Fareeda chuckled

"Sorry Malak"Fareed said and I shook my head saying its ok then he smiled.

After breakfast,Fareeda took her bath then got dressed.

I grabbed my credentials  and we went downstairs.Fareed has already left for university,Mr Halilu left for office they all wished me luck before leaving.

"Wishing you Allah's blessings,goodluck"Mrs Furaira said with a smile

"Ameen"I replied smiling back

"Bye mother.I have two lectures today so I'm not coming back early"Fareeda said

"Take care"Mrs Furaira said and we left to the car.

"By the way,thank you for what you did to my family this morning"Fareeda said holding my hands

"No problem Fareeda,I will always be grateful to you.I took a big risk coming here not thinking about a place to stay and I found you and made me feel at home"I said with a smile

"Awn ,Malak you are an angel"she said grabbing my cheeks and I chuckled

"You are also"I said doing the same to her cheeks and she laughed

"I am studying banking and finance in Nile while Fareed is there too studying Medicine but the selfish brain couldn't wait for me"she said and I chuckled

"Anyways,wish you all the best in your registration"she said

"Thank you"I said

We arrived at international school of nursing Abuja (isna)

And the car stopped just at the main entrance.I glanced at the name on the board then smiled.

Authors ps:-so that nursing school does not exist so,I'm using Abuja but sometimes some things or places don't exist.

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