12~a place where dreams come true

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I'm here,
A place to make my dreams come true
A place where i had to go on an unknown journey for
A place for which i left home
YA Allah make Baba find a space in his heart to forgive me.
I smiled as i entered the administrative block with my credentials in my bag.

"Good morning "I greeted the man behind the counter

"Morning young lady"the man greeted back with a questioning look.he is the receptionist I guess

"I want to visit the administration officer"I said nervously

"Ok,follow me"he said

I followed him to the right then he knocked at the second door.

"Come in"a voice said from the inside.

When I entered I saw a man operating on the system and the other man was busy using his phone.

"Good morning,I am here to collect my administion letter so that I can carry on with my registration"i said softly

"Morning,what registration are you talking about?you do realise it's just yesterday they closed?"he asked looking at me and i shook my head no

"No,please help me"i pleaded feeling helpless

"I can't do anything"he said then scoffed

"I travelled all the way from my home just for this please"I tried to reason

"I can't do anything for you,young lady"he said sternly

"Please"I pleaded
The office was silent for a moment

"Although I can help you on one condition
You bring fifty thousand only and your admission letter falls in your hand"he said breaking the silence.
I can't believe this,i look up to him with tears im trying to fight

"No,I got this admission on my own hard work.Besides where can i find this huge amount of money,I'm a student of scholarship
And what you are doing is wrong
Is because of people like you Nigeria is  not progressing"I said thoughtfully

"I have heard enough,get out!"he shouted glaring at me
"As long as i am in this school you will never get admission"he added

"Just  go"the man operating on his phone finally spoke.

I glared at the admission officer once again
"Allah will do justice"I said then left.I found an older man outside the office studying me.

I got out crying,the receptionist was calling out for me,I ignored.

Just then the man i met outside the office was following me, ignoring him.I went to the masjid, performed abulution near the masjid.

Nobody was there,I prayed my two rakaahs.
Then placed my forehead on the floor in sujood
help me.
I left home for this
With just five thousand
I have nothing else.
I can't get back,leaving home will be useless
Show me the way
Show me the way"i prayed out loud crying.

Lifting my head up i left the masjid.
I don't know what to do,no phone number,I don't know the house address.
I have to wait for the driver,I stood outside just then the same man stood in my front.
This one has been following me around,he must be a stalker.

"Please let me go,I am leaving the Abuja as soon as possible"i said nervously with my head down

"Calm down,young lady"he said calmly

"Please stop stalking me"i pleaded with my head still down

"What? stalking? "He asked surprisingly

"I heard what happened in the office and I am not stalking you.
I am the school vice chancellor
I heard everything and that admission officer is going to pay for it"he said

"Really?thank you so much"I said looking up,wiping my tears

"Young people like you,give me hope"he said with a proud smile

"Let's go get your admission letter"he added

I smiled whispering Alhamdulilah under my breath and I followed him

"I am Ali bikr"he introduced and I nodded

The receptionist greeted him and he greeted back,I saw his picture on the wall.
He was right!Allah you are great.

"Good morning sir"the admission officer greeted as we entered and he got nervous seeing me.

"Mr Bala,I want you to print out her admission letter right now and hand it to her and we will discuss your punishment later"Mr Ali said sternly

"Sir....is not true what she told you.she didn't get it and she was trying to offer herself instead"the admission officer denied and lied

I opened my mouth and eyes in surprise

"No"I said shaking my head

"Mr Bala I won't repeat myself,I heard everything.I was coming to collect the  admission list that you refused to send when I overheard your conversation.
And now you are lying"Mr Ali said sternly
"Print it now!"he ordered in a high tone .

"Sir we are sorry"the other officer said

"You two will face your punishments later"Mr Ali said to them

I gave a satisfying smiled while Mr Bala nervously searched for my admission letter.
He asked me my registration number,I told him and just then a paper fell from the printer.

I carried it thanking Mr Ali bikr,he told me all the best placing his hand on my head and the receptionist escorted me to the registrar's office.

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