25~attend or not

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I slept in Aayan's room yesterday
Everyone knows kamal has started walking again and they were all glad.

"So you didn't leave?"Kamal asked after limping into the kitchen

"You know I didn't"i replied cutting the green pepper

"Yeah I know"he said then he lets out a small laugh
"You look extra good today what's the secret wife?"he asked after quietly studying me.

"Stop trying to be romantic doctor Kamal"i said pouring the pepper into the frying pan.

"Haba nurse Malak"he teased

It sounded nice,I stopped what I was doing and smiled
"I'm not a nurse yet"i retorted eyeing him

"You will be"he assured with a straight face

"I planned a picnic today,if you think you want to attend fine ,if not dont"i said just when he was about to leave

He limped away not glancing back.

The picnic was settled for afternoon,in the house garden....I prepared and arranged the place with the help of Fareeda and Raliyah.

Kamal went out since and Raliyah told me Kamil drove him.the two have been closer since Kamal met with that accident.

I invited everyone in the family then Hashim's and Yusuf's.

"Mummy!"Aayan called bringing me out of my thoughts

"Lets wear you some clean clothes then we pray and leave for the picnic.you are meeting everyone today"i said softly kissing his cheeks

"Are you excited?"I asked and he jumped up and down on my laps

I giggled picking him up.


Kamal's pov

Should I go back home or should i not?
I kept contemplating

If I go she will think I'm getting softer and if don't I will really miss out.
I looked at our family picture on my desk

"I miss you mother and I miss you Nafi"i whispered

Kamil drove us back to the house just at the right time because family and family friends started arriving.

Fareed was saying something to Malak which made her laugh too hard.
She looked beautiful in her orange with yellow leaves print on the Ankara and she wrapped a veil around her head,Aayan was glaring at Fareed I immediately smiled..Thats my boy

"Kamal,good thing you are here I'm really happy you can walk again"Mother said smiling with Father by her side.

Kamil and I greeted every elder present
She planned it well
Everyone was here except for Malak's family where are they?

"It's all thanks to Malak she's been really caring"dad said looking at Malak

Our eyes meet and she glared at me.

"I was coming to get You,man your wife's cooking keeps getting better day by day
You are lucky"Yusuf said with a smile holding a plate of food

Hashim gave me thumbs up

"Come and sit with us"dad said ushering me to where they were sitting.

"Can you sit next to Malak I'm snapping pictures?"Fareeda asked and I limped to her,Aayan starts stretching up for me to pick him.
i sat on the mat next to Malak.

After Fareeda clicked two to three pictures

"Your son is so adorable,I'm going to really spoil him.
My first grandson"mother cooed and Aayan smiled

"Did you see how Aayan was glaring at Fareed the other time?he's like who is this one making mummy laugh"Hashim joked and we all looked at Aayan

Fareed smiled "I'm uncle Fareed,I won't take your mum away from your dad"he said sitting in front of us
Aayan smiled at him and everyone burst into laughs

Malak was laughing so hard she didn't realise she was putting her head on my shoulders.
"Aww!"Fareeda said after an unexpected click

"I will bring the drinks, let's go Raliyah"Malak said nervously getting up.

Everyone seemed happy...

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