54~ Surprises and Satisfaction

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She tied the scarf around our eyes and Aayan held my hand tight as we took little steps

"Surprise!!!!"we heard when we arrived at the garden
I quickly removed the blindfold and I did the same for Aayan

And i saw a colourful banner that has "Happy birthday Malak and Aayan🎉🎈🎂" nicely written on

I closed my mouth trying not to cry and with teary eyes I looked around
The garden was beautifully decorated with balloons which I'm sure is for Aayan

Mother,Father,Dad,Kamil,Fareeda,Fareed,Hashim,Yusuf,Rachel,Amina,Ismail,Aliyu,Raliyah and Kamal himself

Kamal engulfed me into a hug

"You knew!"i exclaimed hitting his chest lightly

He chuckled holding my hand then he kissed my palm

"Don't you know your credentials contain your birth certificate
And if showed you I knew how would I surprise you?"he asked with a raised brow

I smiled

"Ah ko kunya babu(ah there is no shame)" Mother called and Kamal released me

"Mother"i exclaimed feeling shy

"Come here birthday boy"Kamal said carrying Aayan

I exchanged pleasantries with everyone present
Even little Hilwa came with her mother
Then Khalid,Aayan's other friend with his elder brother
After everyone wished and prayed for us

We started eating except for Kamal,I tried feeding him but he declined

I noticed Aayan feeding Hilwa Samosa and she happily ate while Khalid fed himself

I tapped Kamal softly,pointing towards the kids and he laughed whispering "how cute"

After we finished filling our stomachs we were called for pictures

"That's it we are tired"Kamil cried sitting on a chair

"Oh come on"Rachel whined insisting we snap more

"Come on,cut the cake so that the celebrants can eat to their satisfaction"mother called excitedly approaching the table where the cakes were placed

After mother cut the cake everyone took his or her share then left the remaining for us to carry home

the sun was starting to set and everyone took it as a sign to get going

We bid goodbyes and entered our cars

Kamal dropped Raliyah and I at home before he joined Kamil and Dad at the masjid while we prayed at home then prepare a light dinner and cut some fruits for Kamal
I guessed he was fasting but when I saw him eating date when the call for magrib was called
My guessing was confirmed right

"As salam Alaikum" he greeted entering with a smile

"Wa Alaikumus salam"i said I went towards him pulling him by his arm to the dinning room

"So you fasted today and you didn't tell me?why will you even fast?"i asked with a skeptical look

"Malak,it's you and Aayan's birthday so since you couldn't fast
I did and I prayed for you and Aayan's well boring"he replied looking away

And that melted my heart
Is my husband sweet?

I hugged him shortly before I fed him fruits and Aayan arrived insisting I feed him too so Kamal understood by feeding himself with the vegetable couscous.

We prayed isha prayers before we heard Salams
Kamil and Dad were back from the masjid

Kamil took a plate of couscous to his room while Dad asked for his ginger tea and also left to his room.

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