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Kamal's pov

Two days passed and I think everyone is trying to adapt to Malak's absence

Well except for Aayan he makes sure he speak to her early in the morning,when he comes back from school and before he sleeps

"Kamil let's go"i called after spraying perfume

I held Aayan's hand and we walked outside

Dad and Kamil appeared few seconds later and then we left to the masjid

"It amazing how you guys are getting married one by one"Kamil said amusedly

"You are next"i said smiling

"Nah...I Give Yusuf the honour"he said relaxed

And we all chuckled

We arrived at masjid where Fareed looked like he was beaten up by John cena
He is going to miss his twin but he is not going to admit it

After the wedding Fatiha we were off to see the bride
Dad,father,Fareed and Aayan went first

Kamil,Hashim,Yusuf and I followed

"Hope you texted her because I know how anxious My cousin can be"i said smiling

"I actually did"he said smiling like a fool staring at her picture on his screen

"Kamal give me tips on how to keep my wife happy.Your wife is always happy"he said finally sparing me a glance

"I know right"Yusuf spoke from the back seat
I quickly took the right turn

"As per you don marry(as per you are married)"Kamil smirked

I smiled shaking my head

"Come on"he insisted

"I will text it to you"i said trying to change the topic

Malak's pov

The past two days we have been extremely busy
Is only the Bikrs that can plan a wedding in two days
Fareeda had two days gyaran jiki(is a traditional spa)
But it was worth the joy in Fareeda's eyes when Hashim texted her that she is now his wife was priceless
Two of her school friends actually came
Afrah and Maryam
After she performed her two Rakaahs she turned to me

"Malak are you sure I look amazing?I can't believe I am married...
Is this a dream?"Fareeda said confused but she was smiling

I chuckled making her sit

"You are now married to Hashim"i assured smiling

"I know right"Afrah said smirking

"I don't want to leave"Fareeda said trying to stop her tears

"But you have to"Afrah sais smiling

"Stop making it worst Afrah"Maryam said patting Fareeda's back gently

"Just so you know you were so excited for your wedding,your first night is tomorrow.."Maryam trailed and Afrah winked

And i started thinking,well come to think of it i never had one well every bride expect I slept on the couch and because of my darling husband I couldn't sleep early
Because he switched off the lights

"Shut up"Fareeda said nervously

"Malak give her some first night tips before she faints since we are both single"Maryam teased
And she high fived Afrah

I forced a smile

"Besides you are not leaving today till tomorrow so enjoy this blessing"i said trying to change the topic

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