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After what happened in the kitchen I decided to ignore Kamal through out
Now it's closing time in school
when we were outside waiting for Mallam Hassan
Ismail doesn't leave without seeing me leave
He has his own car but he waits till Mallam Hassan arrives before he leaves

The car stopped honking at me,it looked like the house car so I waved at Ismail and entered the car.

I saw a happy Aayan trapped in seat belts.
"Mommy!"he called excitedly

"Aayan !"I exclaimed hugging him tightly and he started giggling

"Come to the front I'm not your driver"a voice called and then I realised it was Kamal that was driving

I came down entering the passenger seat.

"It's a surprise"I said looking at Kamal who was hiding his smile

"Shut up!"Kamal exclaimed

"Shu up"Aayan copied from behind

"See what you are teaching my innocent son"i pointed out trying to make him feel guilty
He was
Aayan outstreched his hands more and more
So I removed him out of his seat and sat him on my lap.

"Who was that guy you were with?"Kamal asked looking at us then the road

"My close friend,Ismail"I replied tickling Aayan who seemed to be cackling in high pitch

"Why do you have a close male friend?"Kamal asked again with furrowed brows

"Don't you have female colleagues
In fact lawisah?"I asked while Aayan kept chewing my veil
I removed it from his mouth

"I'm a man,I can marry more than one
besides.you are doing haram"Kamal said looking at me again

"You are a king of haram land"I reminded him and he scoffed focusing on the road

"Son,how was your day at home?"I look down at the little guy on my laps and I asked

Aayan mumbled some things I don't understand

"We are going to check out a day care for him.
We are going to shop clothes
Baby food"kamal spoke still focusing on the road

"Wow,aren't you like busy?"I asked looking at him

"I work in a private hospital
I am a specialist,head of my department
I took a break"he replied with a smirk

"At this young age?"I asked really surprised about him being the head of his department

"I got the brains"he replied with a cocky smile
I shook my head

"So which school are we checking out?"I asked as Aayan started bouncing on my laps

"I wanted to take him myself but he kept crying for you"Kamal replied looking annoyed

"Aayan mummy loves you more"I said smiling

He smiled kissing my cheeks,I giggled and look at Kamal.

He glared at me and I rolled my eyes.

After some minutes,he stopped and turned to the right entering the gate.

"Oga!(sir)"the guards at the gate exclaimed

Kamal ignored them and I waved smiling at them instead

He parked the car at the parking lot.Aayan who was sitting on my laps playing with my veil few minutes ago is now sleeping on my chest.

"Let me carry him"he said stretching out his arms for Aayan

"No,leave him"I declined

Kamal grumbled something but still got down and opened the door for me.

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