15~say no to criticism

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The next day,I followed the same routine with yesterday except this time around mother woke up early and we made breakfast.

I dialed my home number using the living room telephone.

"Hello"I heard Baba's voice

"Baba!please don't drop the phone.I am sorry,i arrived safely
I just wanted you to pray for me as it is my first day.my regards to Inna and my sisters
Take care of yourself"I said sadly trying to hold my tears.

And the call beeped showing that it has been disconnected.

A hand pulled me from behind

"Let's go to school"Fareeda said

We rushed outside waving at mother

After some minutes drive,I was dropped at Isna.

"Becareful with friends.See you later"said Fareeda with a smile

"See you later"I said softly

I waved and they drove away.

I checked the time table given to me yesterday.
I had chem101,I smiled as i walked into the class.

I sat next to a girl who seemed bored starring at the white board.

"Hey you came recently?"she asked

"Yeah"I replied

"I see one of the last ten admissions"she said eyeing me

I look at her confused

"You see,every year Isna admits only fifty students.last two days fourty were here,and I think by the end of the week everyone will be here.
Ten scholarships only"she explained

"So are you part of the scholarships?"i asked

"No,my father is rich enough to pay for my school fees and I made my waec"she replied with a smile

"Oh.but you know sometimes is not about money,scholarship reduces expensives spent"I reasoned

"Why are you talking like that?are you part of the scholarships programme?"she asked with a raised brow

"Yes"I replied proudly with a smile but she scoffed

" you people are Dysdeers superstitiosus"she added

"It's dysdercus superstitiosus and we are not cotton stainers"I corrected

"Whatever"she said

She got up and left while I just sighed
She called scholarship students scientific name of cotton stainer.unbelievable!

Just then a good looking guy sat next to me then smiled,I smiled back.

"I'm Ismail.I saw what happened with Zainab"he said looking at the girl I was talking to who is now in the front talking to another girl

"Zainab?"I asked

"The girl you were talking to"he explained
"Maryam is worst but she's not in this school"he added

"Maryam?and how do you know them so much?"I asked really confused

"They are my sisters,we are triplets"he replied Non chalantly sketching something on his note.

"Oh"i said then studied his face then Zainab's they do have familiar features except he is nice

"Don't mind her"he said with a smile

"I don't actually mind.it's her opinion"I said thoughtfully

"You are smart!what's your name,Angel?"he asked

I chuckled on how ironic it is "it's Malak"

"Angel in Arabic right?still calling you Angel though"he said with a broad smile

"Alright Ismail"I said smiling at his silliness

And he chuckled
The lecturer walked in and our lesson began.

The day went on,I got measured for my uniform
Some lecturers signed my course registration
I made other friends
One was Amina who thinks I have a very beautiful handwritting
Aliyu who said he liked my smile
Rachel who seems to like my calmness
And guess what? they all said it to my face
Ismail said I was stuck with him till we die and I just laughed.

Rachel and Aliyu are scholarship students just like me.
Zainab kept glaring at me and her brother.

"How was school today?"mother asked as soon as we walked into the living room.Fareeda pushed Fareed from the sofa so she could sit
He came back early today I guess

"Stop!"he cried while mother shook her head

"It was good.I made friends and the good thing is they liked me for who I am"I said excitedly sitting on an empty sofa

"You are likable Malak"mother said with a benevolent smile

"Yeah she is"Fareed said

I chuckled "thank you"

"Kamal and kamil are celebrating their twenty third birthday tomorrow and they invited you guys"mother said looking up from her phone

"Worst cousins ever"Fareeda said typing something on her phone
"But I love them"she added with a smile

"Sai na fada!(i must tell)I will surely tell them"Fareed said looking at Fareeda

"So childish"she said then scoffed

"Yeah do and get married"he said then got back to watching television

"Yeah sure I will"she said not looking up from her phone

"Fareeda and Fareed"mother said shaking her head as she got up and left to the kitchen

I smiled following her

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