35~Eid celebrations (ii)

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Kamal's pov

"Kamal!help"Malak cried jumping off the bed to hug me tight and she looked really terrified

I furrowed my brows i thought She was going to change

We got back from peace and screens estate after Zuhr prayers,Malak,Zaina and Raliyah fried the sallah meat that needs to be fried,the one for sadaqa and the rest in the fridge after isha prayers Malak excused herself to go change and I found out she was jumping on the bed.

A cockroach crawls towards us and she lets go of me running back to the bed jumping and pointing at a direction

And i frowned missing her warmth,I love hugging my wife or my wife hugging me.her arms is where i feel warm and at ease

"What happened?"i asked looking around

"Cockroach!"she exclaimed still on the bed

"Typical girl"i said then rolled my eyes and she did the same

"I'm disgusted by it,do you know that it is a dirty insect?"she said with a real disgust look on her face

"No, im just knowing"i said with an obvious tone

She rolled her eyes throwing a pillow at me and I caught it throwing it back at her and she gasped
I smirked walking around

I searched around for the cockroach that was playing hide and seek with me and just when I found him

"Aha!"i exclaimed smirking

I carried her shoes to hit it and also look for her trouble

"Why my shoes?"she asked looking irritated

"Do you want it dead or not woman?"i asked feeling annoyed

"Girl,woman.i wouldn't talk again"she said as she sat on the bed quietly adjusting her lapaya.

Just when I was about to hit it
It flew and she screamed "Come here!"
She was feeling scared for me and I smiled inwardly

Well Mr cockroach thank you for bringing us closer

I dropped the shoe, joined her on the bed And she placed my head on her chest securing me in her smaller arms
I smiled happily

"I thought you know it well and can handle it"she said thoughtfully

"It has wings!"i exclaimed and she pushed me off her gently as if she realised something

"And i studied medicine not zoology"i added smiling

The cockroach approached the bed and she hugged me tighter this time closing her eyes

This cockroach should never leave dear God.

I smiled enjoying her warmth

Aayan walks in squealing

"Come here son!"she exclaimed pulling out of the hug and she got up opening her arms for him

Aayan pays attention on the cockroach that just landed on the ground

"Burrefly!"he exclaimed approaching the cockroach
Malak called him and he never turned

I guess he thinks it's a butterfly

He walked towards the cockroach and grabbed it swiftly by the antenna

Malak and I sighed

I got down collected the cockroach and threw it out if the window

"That's my zoologist"she said kissing his cheeks then they fist bumped

"Where is my own kiss?"i asked with raised brows

She walked away to the closet to change after rolling her eyes at me

I laughed "let's go wash our hands son"

while we entered the bathroom

"You know I was not scared,I just knew your mom will hug me tight that's why I acted scared also"i confessed and he seemed confused

"You wouldn't understand"i said washing his hands after I washed mine

"I heard that doctor kamal"i turned around to find Malak standing in her simple night wears
With folded arms and I glare

I raised my arms up in surrender and she smiled blowing Aayan a kiss and he giggled.ignoring me

"Where is mine?"i asked smiling

She eyed me playful "never"she said

"Haba Angel!(why Angel)"i exclaimed

"Babu wani Angel kyaleni kawai(no any Amgel leave me alone)"she said smartly
And i was surprised

"Malak where are you learning Hausa so fast?"i asked

"Well,Raliyah is a very good teacher"she replied walking away

I felt water splashed on my face

"Aayan"i called laughing and he giggled.

💃💃💃💃I just love Eids
Don't you we all do???
Stay tuned for our next chapter 😁😁😁


One question when it comes to flying cockroach which reaction do you have?

Is it Malak's
Or Kamal's
Or Aayan's?

Me I act like Aayan 😁" im like please your wings doesn't make you a dragon😂😂😂😂😂😂"

Fee Amanillah 🍀💃

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