48~he wants your number

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I saw Amina,Rachel,Aliyu and Ismail walking into the hall

"You guys you came late!"i exclaimed approaching them and they smiled

"Rachel was sleeping when we got to her house so we have to wake her,wait for her to dress before we came.sorry"Amina explained
Rachel gave an apologetic look

"Well thanks for coming"i said smiling
they all looked neatly dressed holding their gifts

"Let's go see the bride"Rachel said excitedly

"Ismail and Aliyu the table where my husband and his friend are sitting is your table while the girls will sit with me"i explained pointing the table

They went on stage and greeted Fareeda then kept their gifts at the gift section

After we have eaten,It was time for pictures

Maryam rushed to the restroom retouching her make up while I sat there awkwardly with my son

"Aunty!"a voice called and saw a girl of Yusra age smiling at me

"Hello"i greeted with a smile

"He wants your number"she said pointing at a direction
I frowned but i followed the direction her finger pointed at and he smirked with a wave

I burst into laughs while the children looked at me like I'm kind of mad suddenly

"Sorry,go and tell him that he can't get my number because I am married"i said smiling

She nodded running back to the messenger

Few minutes later we all stood for family picture
I stood next to mother  but she pushed me to Kamal and he smirked wrapping his arms around my waist

"Madam you refused to give me your number"he whispered into my ears

"Kamal!"i exclaimed conscious of his touch

"Cheese!"Aayan called in my Arms

And we all smiled at the camera
Maryam carried Aayan for more pictures while Kamal and I decided to go and sit

Kamal and I we were walking side by side when we pass by some guys and we overheard their comments

"Did you see her shape in that lapaya?she is so beautiful again.wish I was married to her"a voice said

And Kamal stopped walking,I stood by his side with my hand on his arm

"If I was her husband I will hold on to that curves tight
No going out till she satisfy me right"another voice said

And they burst into laughs

"Ah that rhymes"the first voice that spoke said

I think they thought we left

"And who told you she doesn't"he added

And they burst into laughs again

I closed my eyes embrassed but the next thing I heard was punches
I looked at my left,no Kamal

"And if you knew what is better you would have lowered your gaze!" Kamal said angrily

I turned around and found Kamal punching them

It's all my fault,everyone stopped what they were doing and they started watching the beating Kamal was giving them and worst of all Yusuf joined

"Kamal!stop this"i exclaimed trying to push his hand away but he was stronger

Kamil and Fareed managed to stop them

"What is wrong with You?"Dad asked Kamal and Yusuf angrily

"They were making despicable comments on Malak"Kamal said angrily

"Really!"Fareeda exclaimed
She raised her gown up and kicked one of them in his stomach
Hashim held her back before she could kick the other one

"Who invited them!"Father shouted

"I know right they don't even look familiar"Fareed said
Mother shook her head at them

"security come and take them away"Yusuf said

And everyone went back to snapping pictures

I grabbed Kamal's wrist pulling him outside because he was still angry

I made him sit at the back seat of car,I did same

We sat there looking at each other

"Why did you have to beat them like that?"i asked

"Because they said something despicable about you and I can't take it"he replied still breathing heavy

"Calm down"i said rubbing his arm

He pulled me closer raising my chin and pecked my lips
Removing the part of the lapaya I used to cover my head
He pecked my neck then he placed his head on my chest wrapping his arms around me.

I stroked his hair gently till his breathing was back to normal

He let go of me while I wiped his lip

"Thank You,for everything"he said softly

"I'm your wife what do you expect?"i asked with a whisper

"Huh?"he asked confused

"I said nothing"i lied nervously

I grabbed his hands,studying his knuckles

"Its bruised"i cried

I cover my head back then got down

opened the glove compartment of the car,i carried the first aid box before sitting at the back

"You realise you can easily follow here to carry it"he said referring to the space between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat

"I know but can you handle the sight?"i teased with a raised brow

"I have seen you only in your under wears like twice if I was the type that loose control easily you would have been pregnant"he said with a grin

"Kamal!"i exclaimed feeling shy

"I'm just saying the truth"he said laughing

I applied some ointment around his bruised knuckles then wrapped it in some bandage.

"Next time talk to them without violence"i pleaded

"Okay ma"he said saluting me with his left hand and I smiled

"But can we go back home so you could wear some random Abaya instead or please stop wearing lapaya at event only when you are at home oh sorry in our room"he muttered

I laughed softly before realisation hit him

"Sorry,I forgot we are no longer living together
Thank you for the first aid treatment but i have to go"he said sternly

He got down and left

I sighed
we were happy some minutes ago

I adjust my lapaya then I got down walking back to the venue

Ha ya ya
Wedding dinner continues my people

Fee Amanillah

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