22~a broken home

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I felt someone shaking my shoulders

"Yusra stop,I told you to stop shaking my shoulders"I cried trying to push the hands away

"If you are comparing my touch with a girl's.you really need to follow me to the hospital for a check up"a voice whispered into my ears

"Huh?"I whispered
It immediately clicked in my brain
You are married!yesterday!

"Wake up and iron my clothes"he ordered walking away to sit on the bed

I groaned sitting up then stretched

"Your clothes are ironed
I saw them in your cupboard"I said thoughtfully

"Well,my white coat"he said looking for something from the drawer

"Is that why you woke me?"I asked with furrowed brows

"Did you wake up for Fajr?"he asked looking at me this time

"Why?"I asked back

"Just asking"he said giving me a suspicious look

"Didn't you?"I asked studying his expression

"I don't pray"he replied

I laughed at his statement
"only ladies say that except you are a hermaphrodite"I said

"I mean I missed it okay. Allah will understand"he said nonchalantly

"Are you serious?
A big man like you talking this way?"I asked suddenly confused

"Don't lecture me.in the end the holy people end up in hell"he shouted glaring at me

"Which of the holy person ended up in hell?"I asked again

"I knew waking up and seeing your face will be the end of my success"he said carrying a file

"Listen to yourself doctor Kamal"i said

"I'm waiting"he snapped then he got back to checking the files

"Whatever"I said then stood up

I came out of the bedroom after washing my face,i saw Kamal operating on his laptop.

"Where is the white coat ?"I asked looking around

"In the laundry room.ask that househelp"he said not even looking up

"She has a name,Raliyah"I reminded

"Ah,the sugar girl.you know dad employed her to help you with house chores"he informed with a realisation smirk

I grabbed an abaya then cover my head with a veil
"Well,thank you for the information"I said walking out of the room

"Sister"Kamil stopped and called with a smile

"Good morning Kamil"
"where is Raliyah's room?"i asked smiling

"The third door after yours"he replied pointing at the doors

"Ah,thank you"I said with a smile walking away

I knocked on the door.

"Raliyah"I called

She opened the door with a smile.

"Good morning"she greeted

"where is the laundry room?"I asked

"It's downstairs next to the kitchen"she replied

"Okay"I said
I was about to walk out when she stopped me and
Said "I made fried yam and egg for breakfast hope you don't mind.Uncle Ali said i shouldn't disturb the newly weds"

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