TMNT-Maybe it Could Be Love

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Chapter 1: Near Death

Things had not been the same since Tsunami had betrayed the Turtles and left Raphael. Tsunami and Raph had been together, but now when someone brought up Tsunami’s name, they were sure to get slapped or hit. Raphael could no longer stand the fact that he had been with Tsu. Leonardo had done everything he could to help Raph get over it, and Master Splinter had talked to Raph.

“You should not be spinning in your memories but making new ones. Your brothers have done what they can, and yet you stay locked in your room, and you will not talk to anyone. Why will you not talk to anyone?” Master Splinter had said to Raph one day after he had gotten in a fight with Leo.

“I never asked for anyone ta help me. Have ya ever thought maybe I don’t want any help?” Raph countered.  

He had left his father’s room steaming. His brothers made no attempt to talk to him for they knew it was dangerous.

Raph went straight to his room, and straight to the punching bug, hanging from his ceiling. He attacked it, swinging and punching blindly. Not caring if he screamed or yelled with very hit and strike. After a while he stopped, and sat down on his weight lifting bench. With a tried sigh, he let his head hang low, and his eyes gaze onto the floor. He was tired of his brother treating him like a vase, waiting to drop to the floor and break. But he knew it was true. If he were to break, no one could put him back together. Before he had the chance to say anything, Donatello opened Raph’s door and stepped inside.

“Something tripped our security camera. Master Splinter has a bad feeling about it. He wants all of us to go.” Donny said with worried look on his face, when he saw Raph wrapping his hands in bandages to stop the bleeding from the punching bag.

“I’m comin” Raph said with a low voice. Donny left Raph’s room. Raph grabbed his Si from his night stand and left his room. Once he made it into the lair, he saw his brothers waiting for him. Donny had his bag with him, he took it everywhere. It never ceased to amaze Raph at how many things Donny could fit into it. Leo had his katanas strapped across his back, and looked up as Raph walked down the steps. Michelangelo stood next to his boyfriend Nano who had come over two hours ago.

“Now that we are all here lets go. Stay on the lookout, we don’t know what could be out in the sewers.” Leo said with a serious tone and a hint of caution.

Leo led his brothers and Nano out into the sewer through the north entrance. After ten minutes of turning and navigating through the sewer, Mikey could smell something that was very strong. He stopped and motioned for his brothers to do the same.

“Do you smell that? It smells like… blood.” He said. He looked around, shining his flashlight around until it showed the source of the smell. Wiped across the walls of the sewer where they stood, were hand prints in blood. Mikey’s hand went straight to his mouth, he never could stand the sight of a lot of blood unlike his brothers. Nano stepped towards the wall and touched the think liquid dripping from the walls.

“This is a lot of blood” he said. Concern replaced his face. “Whoever this belongs to is heavily wounded. They will not survive for long. This blood is fresh, very fresh.”

“Someone is coming” Leo cautioned. In a split second, everyone disappeared into the shadows and looked out into the dim light of the sewer. Sure enough a figure came stumbling around the corner. The person came closer to the spot where Raph was hiding. Raph could make out the figure as a girl, not much older than he was (18 or 19). She was skinny, with long hair and a square face. Her eyes showed that she was in pain. When she was only five feet from Raph, he would smell the blood, and when he looked closer, he could see blood covering part of her face. Her right hand was trailing the wall keeping her from falling completely against the wall, while her left hand clenched her stomach, where the source of all the blood was coming from. She trailed over bars on the wall that led up to the surface. Once she stumbled past Raph, she only made it another five feet before dropping a duffle bag, and falling to her knees, letting out a whimper of pain, and then flat onto her stomach. Abliviouse that anyone was watching her. “I- I can’t.” She said before her eyes closed and she let out a shuddering breath.  Before Raph could move to grab her to see if she was still alive, the sound of voices came around the corner from where the girl came.

“Find the little bitch. Hun wants her dead. She couldn’t have gotten far.” A tall bulky man said in a pissed off tone. He walked towards the ladder leading up to the street, and touched a finger to it. “Blood!” he yelled to his five companions. “She probably surfaced. You” he pointed to one of his men, “take one of the others to the surrounding hospitals, the rest of you, follow me.” And with that the man climbed up the ladder, moved the manhole cover, and climbed out of the sewer. The rest of the men followed him. Once the manhole cover was put back into place, Donny came out of his hiding place, and leaped towards the limp body. He pushed the girl over onto her back and checked for a heartbeat.

“She is still alive, but fading fast.” He said as he reached into his bag and pulled out a first aid kit and grabbed the gauze inside. He pushed it into the wound causing the girl’s blood soaked shirt to lose some of its heavy liquid. “What do we do? If we leave her she will die.” Donny said.

“Yeah, and we can’t take her to a hospital, you heard those guys, they are going to kill her.” Mikey said with a hint of fear in his voice. Nano grabbed Mikey’s hand and squeezed it, reassuring him.

“Let’s take her back to the lair. That way we can heal her, and when she wakes up, we can ask her why Purple Dragons were after her.” Leo said. “Raph you carry her back to the lair. Donny call Master Splinter and tell him to get the infirmary ready. Mikey grab the girl’s duffle bag.”

Everyone did what they were told. Nano called Ananda and Rapptar to help heal the girl as Raph bent down to lift the girl into his arms. Up close, she looked pretty. She had dark red hair, and a little freckles covered her face. She had thin light lips, and she was wearing eye liner. But what stood out about her the most was the camo-green tank top, and camo-green pants she was wearing. Hanging from her neck was a pair of dog tags. Raph turned them over and saw the engraving on them.

1st Ranking 2nd Commander

Moonlight Savig

Unit 13

Special Operations Commander

Id # 5121999

Whoever Moonlight Savig was, she was dying, and Raph was not going to let that happen.

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