Chapter 2 What Happened?

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Chapter 2: What happened?

When Moonlight first came to, she first noticed the smell. It was a musky smell, like she was still in the sewer, but it was masked with something else. Next was sound. She could water, like from a pool. Somewhere faraway she could hear the murmur of voices. Next to her to her left, she could hear steady breathing. She then moved her hands and found that they were free to move. Her first action was to sit up, but after she lifted her shoulder blades off of the bed she was laying on, a hand touched her chest to push her back down lightly.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you” said a soft kind voice. It was a boy’s voice, still high and cheerful. Moonlight moved her head to the right away from the voice, and opened her eyes. She was afraid of what she might see. She was afraid that she would see a Purple Dragon looking down on her, and she did not want that to be the first thing she saw. There was a shooting pain in her abdomen that would not go away.

To her surprise, she was laying on a cot, and three feet away was another. Near her head, she could see a night stand with a lamp on it and a bowl. The room itself was concrete blocks from the floor to the ceiling. The floor and ceiling were the same as the walls. Four lights hung from the ceiling giving off a yellow light. At the end of the cot was an open space, and about 8ft off of the cot was a counter with tools on them used for medical needs. This counter was about 7ft long and 4ft high. At the edge of it was a door, leading out into an even bigger room, where the voices were coming from.

Finally Moonlight found the courage to look at the Purple Dragon sitting next to her left side. But what she found was much unexpected. She saw a giant light green figure that looked like a turtle, with knee pads, elbow pads, and a belt, all of them brown leather. The turtle (if you could call it that) had only two toes on each foot, and three fingers on each hand. Tucked under the belt were nunchucks with red and gold handles. The figure wore an orange mask over its light blue eyes, which were looking down at her with a glowing gleam to them. Its mouth was in a smile that stretched from one side of its face to the other.

“My name is Michelangelo.” The figure said keeping the friendly smile on his face. “Is your name Moonlight?”

The only thing Moonlight could do was stare at him. She had never seen anything like him before.

“ do you kn…know my name?” She asked.

“Your dog tags had it written on them. My brother Raphael saw them and told us.” The turtle said.

“What do mean ‘us’? Is there more like you?” Moonlight asked.

With a chuckle Michelangelo looked over at the door “Yeah there are three more like me. You think you were surprised to see me, wait till you see Master Splinter my father. By the way, you can call me Mikey. Everyone else does.” The tone of voice Mikey used, made Moonlight want to trust him. Her heart started to slow down from a race Moonlight didn’t know it was in.

“Hey knucklehead, who ya talkin to. Did the girl wake up yet?” Said another turtle like figure that entered the room. “So she came back ta the livin.” Said the turtle. He was wearing the same kind of gear, only he had Sis in his belt, and had a red mask over his bright hazel eyes, which were more like gold.

“Raphie, that’s no way to treat a guest.” Came another voice. It belonged to yet another turtle with a purple mask, and brown eyes. “You will have to excuse Raphael, he is a little upset. My name is Donatello.” The turtle looked down at Moonlight with the same gaze Mikey had.

“A little upset? It took me four days ta get her blood stain out of my shell!” Raphael said, to make his point.

With that comment, Moonlight remembered what happened. She had been shot. Her head felt light with the memory, and she placed her hand on her forehead and held it there for a minute. “Im sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” She said shyly. Moonlight sat up despite the protest of pain from her abdomen. Within seconds, her body began to ach, and from the looks she was given by the three turtles, she must have a pained look on her face. She stopped moved for a minute, and closed her eyes. “Gut up” she whispered, and fought the pain until she was in a sitting position with her feet out in front of her. She leaned her head against the cool wall of the room, and realized how warm she was. “I don’t mean to be a bother.” She said looking at Raphael. “Do you all work for the Purple Dragons?” She asked.

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