Chapter 16 Solo

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Chapter 16: Solo

It only took an hour to find the church where the ceremony was being held. Moonlight drove her car and John, Raph (who had been changed into a human), and Angle rode with her. The whole time, Raph kept looking over at her, but she would keep her eyes on the road and would not look away. Her eyes showed that she was deep in thought. After the hour had passed, Moonlight pulled into an old church driveway. On one side the cemetery where Tobis was being buried, and on the other the church. The church itself was huge and could be seen from the road. It looked like an old Victorian church, with statues and pillars around it. It was made of a dark red brick and black.

Moonlight pulled over to the side and parked the car down the long line of other cars. Casey pulled up behind her, with Donny, Leo, Mikey, April, Master Splinter, and SS. The guys all looked different. For the first time, Moonlight had seen them as humans. They all were built with muscle, and square faces. Their facial features were almost a like. No doubt they were all brothers. The only thing tha set them apart was the color of their eyes and hair. Mikey still had his light blue eyes, but blond hair. Donny had his dark brown eyes with brown hair. Leo had his deep blue eyes and very dark brown hair. Then there was Raph. His eyes stayed the same bright golden brown which looked almost scary. His hair was jet black and a little wavy unlike his brothers who had straight long hair.

Moonlight walked over to the rest of the group and stood with them, looking up into the sky. The sky had turned a scary gray, as if to mourn the loss of Tobis.

“So where are we suppose ta go?” Raph asked, walking up next to her.

“Im not sure, I guess up to the-“ She was cut off by someone yelling.

“LEPPY!” Came a man’s angry voice.

Moonlight whipped around to face the man who was ten feet away with an evil look on his face. He stood taller than Moonlight by at least two feet. He had a strong build, and was wearing the same uniform as she was only a little bigger. Moonlight made a snarl back at him and began to walk up to him. Raph tensed up, ready to strike if the man attacked. Once Moonlight was one a foot away, the man raised hand. Right as Raph bunched up to jump, Moonlight and the man laughed liked old friends. The man brought his hand down and clasped it on Moonlight’s wrist, and she did the same to the man’s.

“It’ good to see you again!” The man’s voice bellowed out over the court yard.

“It’s good to see you Shorty.” Moonlight said, as the man brought her in for a hug.

“Hey guys, you’ll never guess who decided to show up!” He yelled over his shoulder when they pulled away.

“Hey hey hey! Leppy made it to the party” came a shorty man.

“No way!” Came another.

“The ghost finally came out to play.” Said another. “And she brought friends? Moonlight, I thought you didn’t have any friends?” He said again.

“Hardy har har.” Moonlight said. “Guys come here. I want you to meet some old buddies of mine.” Moonlight said to Raph, Leo, Donny, and Mikey.

Once they joined the group, Moonlight introduce them to all the men. Their names were Shorty, Buck, Ranger, Falcon, and Malcom. They all had the same outfit as Moonlight. The group all stood together close like they had done it before. For the first time in two days, Raph had seen Moonlight smile. The light in her eyes appeared and she began to laugh to more, and was more talkative now. Having her friends around must really help. Raph thought.

“So did ya guys come with her ta meet us, or ta watch and make sure she did do something stupid?” Buck asked.

“Both.” Leo said, playfully punching Moonlight in the arm.

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