Chapter 9 The First Time

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Chapter 9: The First Time

After an hour of trying to fight Moonlight, she finally gave in and let Raph carry her back to the lair. She had wanted to walk on her own, but her whole body hurt. Even though she woke up, she was not healed. Her nose was still bleeding, and her temple was still bleeding as well. Finally when they got back to the lair, Master Splinter had been called before Moonlight had woken back up. When they had called him again, they could hear the sound of his voice. It sounded as if he had just stopped crying. April, Ana, and Nano were at the lair as well. Before they had gotten to the garage, Moonlight had asked to be put down.

“Hey can I walk the rest of the way?” She asked.

“I don’t know. Ya need ta take it easy.” Raph said concern in his voice.

“I will be fine.” When she saw the unsure look in his eyes she said “I promise.”

Raph let her down, and they walked into the elevator that led down into the lair. As soon as the door opened, she was greeted by a very worried and distressed Nano.

“I was very worried about you.” Nano forming nanobots into a frown on his face.

“I’m fine-“Was all Moonlight could say before she was engulfed by a very weird hug from him. After a moment, he let go and backed away with a smile on his face. Ana took his spot, the dried lines of tears on her cheeks visible. She held Moonlight tight and wouldn’t let go.

“I was so worried. I thought you were gone for good.” She said in a trembling voice. Holding Moonlight even harder. Moonlight let out a little gasp of pain not meaning too. Ana let go of her, and without warning, she unbuckled Moonlight’s jacket and tore it off of her body. Ana could see where some of Moonlight’s blood had dripped onto her shirt. “You’re hurt.” She said.

“I’m fine.” Moonlight said.

“You don’t look fine to me.” Came April’s worried voice. She ran towards Moonlight and held her in her arms and didn’t let go. Her breath was shaky, and she almost started to cry.

“I am. Trust me.” Moonlight said in return. April stepped back, and ran into Casey’s arms, when she saw he was hurt as well.

Before Moonlight could even say or do anything, Master Splinter came out of his room with a smile on his face. “Moonlight” He said. Walking up closer to her, “What happened?” He asked.

“She was fighting Hun, and he- he…” Mikey said with a scared look on his face.

“My son what is wrong?” Splinter asked with a concerned voice.

“He was the one that found me, and saw Hun kill me.” Moonlight said. Knowing Mikey was having a hard time to come to terms with what happened, she limped over to him, and wrapped her arms around him. He grasped her tightly and began to sob into her shoulder.

“I saw you die.” He said trying to stop crying.

“It’s ok. I’m right here.” Moonlight said.

After some reassurance, Moonlight was able to calm him down, and Ana and Nano took over. Raph walked Moonlight into the infirmary and helped her take her shirt off so he could help treat her broken ribs. Raptarr had joined the group and wanted to see Moonlight.

“Moonlight!” He said as he entered the infirmary. You are alive!” Raptarr said in a happy voice. He had brought some medicine with him to help her heal faster. After leaving, Raph and Moonlight could hear Raptarr tell everyone how happy he was and that they should let Raph and Moonlight have some alone time.

Raph had given the medicine to her with a syringe. Then wrapped her torso in a white bandage. He cleaned up the gash across her forehead, and cleaned up the blood from her nose and mouth. When he was done, he sat there holding her hand, looking down at their hands. Moonlight looked at him, seeing the pain across his face, feeling her own pain coming through her body. Not physical, but emotional.

She let go of his hand, and moved them up to his head. She held them there. Then Raph got up, and went to his knees and crawled in between her knees and wrapped his arms around her abdomen and rested his head on her chest. Raph did this whenever he needed a break from the world. The sound of her heart beat made him feel better. It made the emptiness in his body leave. Her warmth was nice to feel, after holding her cold lifeless one body. Raph felt her hands move up to his head and brush his skin back and forth. This gesture gave him hope of a new day.

“I’m right here.” Moonlight whispered. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I thought I had lost you.” He whispered back, through a trembling voice. “I wouldn’t know what to do if you were gone.” He said beginning to cry. He had never cried in front of Moonlight. To Moonlight, Raph was her rock. He was the only thing that kept her going. Seeing him cry, made her feel something that was never in her body at a moment like this. She felt angry at herself, at the world, and at Hun for what he had done to cause Raph to weep. She was not mad about him killing her, but hurting her family was what really pissed her off.

She moved her body, lying down on the cot, and grabbed Raph’s hand, and pulled him towards her.

“Moonlight you’re hurt. I can’t-“ He said before she yanked his arm, and he fell on top of her, she pressed her lips against his. He propped himself up on his hands, to keep his body from hurting hers. She pulled him down, until he lost balance and his whole body came down. She wrapped her arms around his back, and held there. Not letting him lift his body off of hers.

“I’m fine.” She said. Pulling away from his mouth. “We are both tired.” Raph scooted his body down a little until his head could rest on her chest, and he relaxed his body, knowing in would be imposible to win a fight against Moonlight right now. He closed his eyes, focusing on her heartbeat like before. The whole world seemed to slow down and the only thing that mattered to him now, was the heartbeat of Moonlight.

He was always amazed at how selfless she was. Even when she was in pain, she wanted to take care of Raph, and she didn’t want him to be hurt. It had been several hours and Raph and Moonlight just stayed on the cot. The silence was broken when Mikey walked in to check up on them. Ana and Nano just left to head back to Justice League Headquarters. Moonlight looked into his eyes, and could see the pain in his eyes, and when Raph looked he could see it too. Raph moved over a little and Moonlight waved her hand. Mikey came over to the cot, and laid down right next to Raph, resting his head on Moonlight’s stomach. A moment later, Donny came in after Raptarr left, and Moonlight allowed him to join the group. He sat down in the bed next to Moonlight on her left. Soon after, Leo walked into the room. Moonlight smiled at him, and he walked over to the bed, and Moonlight raised her right arm, and Leo cuddled up next to her on her right. She was now in a sitting position, and had her left arm draped over Donny’s shoulders, his head resting on her left shoulder. Raph had his arms wrapped around her torso and his head resting on her chest. Mikey was lying on her right side, his head resting on her stomach. Finally, Leo had his head on her chest as well, and her right arm was draped over his shoulders. All of them had their eyes closed, and were fast asleep. Moonlight’s body was in a roaring pain, but she did not move. The guys were more important than she was.

For once, Moonlight knew she had done something right for a change. 

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