Chapter 15 Uniform

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Chapter 15:  Uniform

The next morning Moonlight got up early to go to Queens. She dressed in regular clothes. She cooked breakfast for the guys and was out the door before anyone else got up. She hopped into her car and began to drive east into Queens. Her drive was short because it was still early in the morning. She had to get there by 1pm. Marshall didn’t like to be kept waiting.

Moonlight arrived at Marshall’s headquarters (AKA his home.) It was a small building with other surrounding it on all sides. She walked up the steps to the main door and rang the doorbell. As a small woman walked up to the door and opened it, she smiled.

“Hello, are you here to see Mr. Cover?” She asked.

“Yes. My name is Moonlight Savig.” Moonlight replied.

She could see a spark of sadness in the other girl’s eyes. Moonlight’s story of her life was famous throughout the military. The woman stepped aside to let Moonlight walk in. She led her down a long hallway to a desk across the hall from a door. The woman knocked and announced that Ms.Savig was here.

“He will be right out.” And the woman left Moonlight alone in the hall. She sat down in a chair not too far from door to wait. When she heard the door open, she saw Marshall step out in his uniform and look down the hall to her with a smile on his round dark skinned face. His head was shaved and a small mustache on his face. Moonlight got up and walked towards the man. They smiled at each other and hugged.

“It’s good to see you Commander Moonlight. Thank you for coming to see me.” Marshall said.

“It’s always good to see old friends.” Moonlight said.

Marshall led her into his office and gave her a seat across from his desk. He sat down behind the thick wood and crossed his hands on the top of the desk.

“I take it Ranger has already told you about Tobis.” He said.

“Yes. I saw Ranger yesterday.”

“You are not an easy person to find Ms. Savig. I have needed you for some time now.” He said.

“Sorry. I have been busy.” Moonlight said, thinking of all things she had been through after leaving the hospital.

“Well no matter. I will skip the commentaries.” Marshall said as he reached for an envelope on his desk top and handed it to her. “It is from Tobis. He told me to give it to you.”

Moonlight took the envelope. She watched as Marshall got up and walked over to another desk with things on top of it. He grabbed a box and a familiar case and handed them to Moonlight.

“Your uniform and trumpet. He wanted you to play taps for him.” Marshall said as he handed her her trumpet case, something she thought she would never see again. “They belong to you. Keep them.”

After they talked for an hour or two, Moonlight headed back to the lair. She needed to clean her trumpet, and practice for the ceremony. When Moonlight made it back to the lair, she went to the kitchen and began to work on her trumpet. It sounded like she was alone.

She took the instrument apart and began to polish it and clean all the valves. When she done, she put it back together in order to test it. She played a series of notes and sounds before being satisfied.

She then stood up and gathered her strength to play the one song she dreaded the most. The tones and sounds coming from the trumpet were low and sad. She played taps and held out the notes long and hard, the same way she had done at Skylan’s funeral. (Another one of her buddies.)

She felt the tears gather in her eyes as she repeated the song. When she was done she placed the gold colored instrument back in its case and closed it. She placed her hands on the top and kept them there.

“I did know you could play the trumpet.” Came the voice of Leo. “Are you going to play that song at your friend’s funeral?”

“Yes.” She said, letting a tear fall but wiping it away before Leo could see, but he had seen it.

“Are you sure you can do it?” He asked.

“Yeah. I just-..” Moonlight said. “I just never thought I would have to play it again.” Painful memories flooding into her mind of the reason why she had to play it once before. “Skylan” Moonlight whispered under her breath. This time she was determined not to let her walls fall down. “So where is everyone?”

“Well…. I have news.” Leo said. “Chrysalis has been using her magic on Mikey for a while now and finally came around with something.”

“What?” Moonlight said, worried about the orange banded turtle.

“She can use her magic to change him into a human for as long as he wants.” Leo said.

“Really?” Moonlight asked. Almost not believing him.

“Yeah I said the same thing. She tried it on me and it worked. That being said, we were wondering if we could go with you. To the funeral for support.”

“Yeah. Sure…. I if you want to go I…… I can’t stop you.” Moonlight said, looking away from Leo and down at her box of stuff the Marshall had given her.

“What is that stuff?” Leo asked. Trying to change the subject, seeing that it was still painful for her to talk about the funeral.

“Just my old uniform and a few other things. I need to wear it to the funeral.” She said pulling it out of the box. She held it up in front of her so Leo could see it. There were several medals and ribbons on it. She took the main jacket and folded it up and placed it back next to the box. When she took out the whole outfit, she saw that there was a yellow envelope in the bottom with her name on it. She picked it up and looked at the hand writing. “Tobis.” It was his hand writing.

“We want to be there for you.” Leo said. He walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder feeling how tense she was. Her whole stance was different. She held her shoulders back but down. There was no smile on her face, and a darkness in her eyes. Every time Leonardo looked at her, he could tell why his brother Raph had fallen in love. She was one in a million. Just a star among small lights in a galaxy. But she just didn’t know it.

“Thank you. It means a lot.” Moonlight said placing her hand on his.

After spending a two days getting ready, Tuesday finally came. The ceremony started at 1 in the afternoon. Raph had left with his brothers to meet Chrysalis, so she could change them. Master Splinter had gone with them as well, for he wanted to support Moonlight as well. The guys, Master Splinter, Nobody (his real name John), Silver Sentry, April, Casey, and Angle were all going. It had surprised Moonlight at how much they wanted to go and be there for her.

She stood in front of her mirror with her uniform on. Her eyes trailed from her black dress shoes, up along her dress pants, to the uniform jacket with medals and ribbons on it. Then her eyes went to her face. She pulled her right arm up to fix the cuff of her sleeve. She then brought her hands up to her head to fix her hair. She French braided it down the center and to the back. Then she grabbed her uniform hat and placed it on her head. It was a dark red bureau type hat, with the Special Operation’s logo on the front.

Moonlight stood up straight and tall placed her hand behind her back and pushed her chin up. Months of practicing this stance had finally paid off. She took a deep breath and held it for a moment, then let it out slowly. She walked over to her bed and picked up her trumpet case, then walked over to the door, hearing voices down outside. “You can do this” she told herself.

She pushed her door open, and walked out to see everyone down in the main lair. When Moonlight found Raph’s gaze, his eyes opened wide. He had never seen Moonlight like this. She walked almost like a machine. Her gaze was locked off into the distance, her face had no expressions on it.

“You guys ready?” She asked quietly.

“Yeah” Leo said looking around at everyone to make sure.

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