Chapter 17 Love

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Chapter 17: Love

After a service, Moonlight and her old unit walked to the front of the church and closed Tobis’ casket. Three stood on one side and three on the other. Moonlight stood in the front and guided them out of the church, down the steps, and out in the cemetery. When they placed his casket down, Moonlight was handed her trumpet. As Shorty and Mason grabbed the flag off the top of Tobis’ casket and began to fold it. Moonlight raised her trumpet up to her lips and began to play taps. The crowd had finally gathered around and watched and listened as the burial took place. Everyone bowed their heads as Moonlight finished taps, and the men finished folding the flag. Mason walked the flag over to elder woman who was Tobis’ mother. She took the flag and Mason walked away to help Moonlight, buck, Shorty, Falcon, Ranger, and Malcom lower Tobis into the ground.

Several hours after the ceremony, everyone headed over to the nearest bar where Marshall was waiting. The turtles went with Moonlight, unsure if they should head back to the lair and stay with her. She told them to come with her. After getting a drink for everyone Marshall left. The group sat down in two booths and just talked about what they had been up to. After waisting an hour and a half, the guys started to head home. Mason was the first to leave, not being able to stand the sight of his crush with someone else. Buck left with Ranger, then Malcom and Falcon. Before they all left, they gave Moonlight their phone number and home address so they all could stay in touch. Finally it was just Shorty who was left. He had stayed away from Moonlight for almost the whole day after first seeing her. He didn’t like to talk to her when the rest of the guys were around.

“So Leppy, have you worked on your samurai stuff lately?” Shory asked.

“Nay.” Moonlight said, to give Shorty his satisfaction of calling her a leprechaun.

“Samurai stuff?” Leo asked.

“Oh yeah, I must not have told you. My dad was sort of a samurai. That’s why I know how to fight with a sword a little.” Moonlight said.

“Cool.” Mikey said. “We only know one other samurai.”

After talking for a while, Shorty finally went home. Moonlight and the turtles did the same thing as well. They headed back to the lair. The guys were met by their lovers and went their separate ways for the night. Raph and Moonlight sat down in the kitchen. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what would make her feel better. Not being able to stand the silence any longer, he decided to ask something that had been on his mind all night.

“Why didn’t ya ever tell me your dad was a Samurai?”

“I… I didn’t think it mattered.” She said in a low voice, looking at the table. Her hands resting on the top of the table. Raph reached for them and grabbed them his his.

“It doesn’t. I just wanted ta know.” He said smiling at her. “I think there is something more ta the story.”

Moonlight got up from the table and walked over to the counter. She leaned against it and let out a defeated sigh. Knowing it would be impossible to win the fight.

“I- I didn’t talk about it.. Because my father was a Ronin.” She said, looking down at the floor to the right.

“A Samurai without a master.” Raph said in a low voice. “ Im sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright.” She said putting a smile on her face and walking back over to Raph. She kissed him on the head and was about to walk away when she felt him grabbed her waist and pull her in.  He turned her around and pulled her in more. She spread her knees apart and walked into him, then felt him pull her down a little. She sat down on his lap, and smiled when he moved his hands to the top of her thighs. He rubbed them a little and stretched his back and head up to kiss her on the lips.

Moonlight brought up her hands to the back oh head and bent her neck to kiss him better. He moved his hands to the back part of her thighs and lifted her as he stood up. He walked them to her room and laid her down on the bed. She pulled him down on top of her body pulling him in close.

There was another lump in Raph’s lower regions growing just like the first time she had kissed him.

“Moonlight I- I” He said a little breathless. She knew exactly what he wanted to do. She knew he wanted to take her.

“It’s ok.” She said as she felt him tremble a little. She had wanted it for so long. She wanted it even now.

“Are- ya sure?”

“Yes.” She said in a whisper.

It was the first time Moonlight had ever had sex with someone. But she was glad it was with someone she truly loved.  

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