Chapter 25 Hell

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Chapter 25. Hell

Moonlight stood in behind the counter of April’s shop looking out into the store. It was dark and quiet. No one had showed up that day. She began to pack up her things and make her way down to the sewers, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Her phone screen said it was 10:15 pm. She began to run through the sewer faster and faster trying to make back the lair. The feeling growing stronger and stronger with every stride. She ran into the lair through the East entrance, and froze at the scene. Her blood turned cold and she shivered. Tables and shelves were broken, chairs thrown across the room. Moonlight world turned on end, when she saw droplets of blood across the floor.

“Mikey! Donny! Leo!” She yelled. “Raph!” No answer. “HEY!” But no one yelled back. “Master Splinter!”

She ran through all the rooms and hall ways. But there was no sign of life.

“The cameras!” She said as she spun on her heels and ran to the lab. She logged onto the computers and looked for the security cameras hooked up into the lair. Finding the past day she began to watch. She skipped to the part where she had left for April’s shop. But nothing happened. She fast forward again and found what she was looking for. She saw shadows move over the light in the lair on the screen and saw smoke. Then, Hun appeared in front of the camera and disconnected it. Hatred fell over her. Her heart broke into two and she couldn’t control herself.

Moonlight jumped up from the chair she was in and slammed her right fist into the cement wall letting out a yell of pain. Not from her hand, but from the pain in her heart.

“I should have been there!” She yelled to herself. “This is my fault. My fault!”

Moonlight ran into her room and grabbed her mask and ax off of her desk and ran into the weapons room. She grabbed knifes and other things she would need. Then she made a call to Shorty.

He agreed to drop off some military weapons for her, though she had to lie about what she was going to use them for. While she waited for him to show up, she sat in the garage and came up with a plan. She knew where Shredder and Hun were. She knew that if anyone stood in her way, they would not make it through an encounter.

Moonlight heard the roar of an engine off in the distance come closer to the garage. She opened the door and Shorty pulled up to it.

“When you told me you were doing a military exercise I almost couldn’t believe it. I thought you were done with that stuff?” He said.

“Marshall just wanted me to make an appearance and show off for him.” Moonlight said.

“Oh.” Shorty didn’t believe a word she saying. He knew her well enough to know when she was lying. “Well, I’ll help you load the stuff up.” He reached into the backseat of his truck and pulled out a big duffle bag. “I have what you wanted. Some MK3s and knifes, four Riots, two Beretta M9s, and an Aurora.” Shorty said eyeing Moonlight. “Whatever Marshall wants you to do is pretty big. Wish I could see it.”

“Yeah.” Moonlight said looking down at the ground.

After a quick chat, Shorty hopped back into his truck and was about to pull away when he turned to Moonlight. “Whatever they did to you. Give’em hell kid.” He said. Moonlight nodded, she knew Shorty knew that this was not for some exercise, but he was not the kind of guy to report someone. He pulled out of the driveway and drove away. Moonlight now had everything she needed to take Shredder down. Once and for all.

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