Chapter 23 Time

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Chapter 23: Time

After telling everyone the plan and convincing the guys that it would be ok, everyone split up and went back to their homes to get rest. Tomorrow night would be the mission.

Moonlight sat up at her desk looking at the picture she had drawn of her old family. The more she looked, the pain filled her heart. She wanted Shredder to pay for what he had taken from her. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the locket Karai had given to her. She felt the smooth medal on the back, then the engraving on the front. She flipped it over numerous times in her hand before looking down at it. She squeezed the object in the palm of her hand and grinded her teeth.

“Revenge can be a dangerous motive.” Master Splinter spoke from behind her. “You are troubled?”

“Yeah. I little.” Moonlight said in a soft and low voice. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“This will be over soon.  A worried mind is not a mind to fight with.” He said, trying to help her.

“I know.” She said, her voice still saddened.

“It seems as though there is more to your sorrow.”

“I-“ she said. “I’m just tired…. I’m tired of fighting all the time. I have been battling this war since my parents-“ she cut herself off knowing she was thinking about herself more than others. She knew it would be too much to handle. “For almost 12 years I’ve been fight this war and I keep losing.” She said in a quiet voice, looking down at the floor. “I don’t think I can do it.”

“But you have made it this far.” Splinter spoke feeling her negative energy like a brick wall falling down on him. “You cannot give up now. Your victory is right around the corner.” He said looking at her. Her face showed sorrow and pain. Her thought were hidden behind the blank stare in her eyes.

Knowing that his words needed to sink in, he left Moonlight alone once more and made his way back to the dojo.

Moonlight sat in her room. Because there was no light in her room, she had a candle lit. Its light bounced off the walls and constantly moved. She drew her attention to the flam and watched as it burned the wick. The yellow and orange light spread across the desk top lighting everything it could, but sending dark shadows throughout the room. The pain inside of her would not come out. She knew that it had been her idea to fight with Karai, but now she didn’t think she could do it. She didn’t want to lose her family again.

Almost as if something was moving her, her hand shot up and stopped above the flam. Within seconds she could feel the burning sensation on her palm, but she didn’t dare move hand. The flam bit her sensitive skin. She didn’t move her hand until she saw droplets of blood fall onto the candle wax and desk. Her hand stung, and the tears finally fell down the sides of her cheeks. She looked up at the wall. Something controlled her body. She had no power. Her right hand moved to the palm of her left hand, her right pointer finger poked into the burn drawing away the blood. Pushing into the flesh harder and harder until she let out a little yelp of pain.

Her mood instantly changed. Moonlight went from guilt and pain, to anger and rage. She was going to win. She was going to kill Shredder and avenge her family. Moonlight would do whatever it would take to end this war.

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