Chapter 34

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After being led down a series of halls and rooms, the group made their way into a giant office. The ceiling was far over their heads, and the was were white along with the floor. The guards backed off a little when Bishop appeared and waved his hand. Tools were set up here and there of various sizes and shapes.
"Isn't it wonderful?" Bishop asked with a smirk. "My new lab."
"Where is she?" Leo asked. "Moonlight?"
" Ahh. Moonlight." Bishop said. He smiled as he looked right past the group to a black mirror. Raph watched as Bishop continued to smiled and then turned around. "Well. It is hard to explain. But I suppose I must. On the wall over there" He pointed,  " You will find various pictures of Shang and I. You will also find pictures of Moonlight and her brother, along with her mother. I was practically a part of their family." He said as he looked at the wall. "I was good friends with Shang, and he knew that one day the Dragons would go after him. He made me vow that I would keep Moonlight alive and safe. But then my plans were intercepted when she was placed into a military base camp and put into special training. I had no way of getting to her. After only three years, she dissapeared completely. It wasn't u ntill I found out that she had gone to the hospital after returning from combat that I lost her once more. After that, there was nothing." He said disappointed. "But, I went to give my apologies to Shang when I noticed another coffin. It was only a few weeks ago. I had her brought here. So that I could fulfill my promise."
"So then where is she?" Donny asked.
Bishop dipped his head, and the black mirror which he now stood in front of lit up. And showed yet another white room, but this one had several people in it. Raph scanned the room with his eyes. Five people wearing white lab coats. And another. His heart sank and his stomach knotted. Laying on medal tabel, strapped to it tightly,  was the one person he wanted to see most.Moonlight.
"Ah! Bishop! " A voice came over the speaker. "We were about to hook up the monitor and start the serum."
" Proceed." Bishop said.
What looked like a monitor was hooked up to Moonlight's chest. Her skin was pale and her body limp. The scar on her stomach made Raph sick.
"I can promise you one thing Bishop, this time it will work."The voice said. A man with a syringe walked over to Moonlight and touched her cold skin on her chest. "Her heart. Aim for her heart." The voice said.
Suddenly,  the needle was forced into her chest and the plunger was pushed down. Then they waited...
Minutes passed and the doctors began to scramble around in the lab. Everyone could here what they were saying.
"Was it a dud?" One of the female doctors asked.
"No no. It was the right one. It had to be the right." The man who injected the red serum into Moonlight said.
" I am sorry sir. But... It did not work. She far to gone."
Just as the voice spoke, there was beeping sound.  Then another and another. "It worked!" One the doctors yelled. "It really worked!"
Raph watched as Moonlight took that in a slow breath and then let it out.
How?  He thought.

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