Chapter 22 Life

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Chapter 22: Life

It had finally been two days after Moonlight had talked to Karai. She and the guys had headed up to the stop where Moonlight told Karai to meet her. They were stood on the roof in a huddled group.

“I almost didn’t think you would show.” Karai spoke as she stepped out from behind a billboard.

“It’s good to see you too.” Moonlight said walking over to the other girl.

“I take it they are in” Karai said.

“Yeah we are.” Leo spoke stepping forward. “But I don’t get hoe we are going to take down Shredder. It’s only the six of us, maybe the Justice Force.”

“That is why I have an army of my own.” Karai said. She waved a hand and fifteen Foot ninjas stepped out from hiding. “They all have agreed to our terms and will fight with us, not against us. I can trust them”

“I never agreed to fight with the ‘Foot’.” Raph said.

“I am not thrilled with fighting along side you either.” Said a tall ninja.

“Joseph.” Karai said. “That is enough.”

“Yes mistress Karai.” The man spoke again and took a step back.

Moonlight saw the glimmer of glee in Raph’s eye. When they made eye contact she gave him a warning look. He looked away and Moonlight spoke. “When do you plan on taking our first move?”

“As soon as possible.” Karai said. “Shredder is making plans to do something big. I do not know what it is, but I have a feeling it is not good.”

“We need a plan, and safe place to talk. We can’t be out in the open like this.” Leo said.

“Follow me. I know one spot Shredder will not look.” Moonlight said.

After running on top of the roofs, they reached an old section of the city, where old abandoned warehouse barley stood on their own. Some of them were burnt away, while others were rotting.

“Are you sure about this spot?” Karai asked, concern in her voice.

“This is the only spot Shredder wouldn’t look. If I can still remember right, we doesn’t have the guts to come here in the first place.” Moonlight said in disgust.

“You are right.” Karai said as the two girls slowed to a walk, and stood by each other. “This building should do fine.”

“Yeah.” Moonlight said, as she walked over to the roof window and tried to open it. When it wouldn’t open, she kicked it in, shattering the glass. Then, with a leap, she jumped inside, followed by Karai, the turtles, and then the Foot. Before the rest of the group made their way down to the bottom, Karai walked over to Moonlight.

“I wish to speak to you in private.” She said into Moonlight’s ear.

With a nod Moonlight followed Karai into a small office room in the warehouse. It was small and cramped but just enough room for two people to move comfortably.

“What is it?” Moonlight asked.

“It has to do with the plan.”

“Then why can’t you say it to everyone?”

“Because I know how they will react.” Karai said.

“What is your plan then?”

“A while ago, Shredder, had some of his scientist create a serum with Nano bots inside of it. His plan was to use it on you. The bots were controlled by two separate hosts. One host was the killer. This host would kill itself and by doing so, would kill the other host. The plan was to give it to you and another enemy of Shredder’s. Shredder knew he would not be able to get close enough to you, to kill you, so he planned to inject it into you by a poisoned dart. Then when he killed his other enemy, you would die with him.”

“Why not just kill me with regular poison?” Moonlight asked.

“The Nano bots have special readings on them. They are trackers. Shredder figured killing two birds with one stone would be easier than trying to kill you separate. Once you die, the bots send out a tracking signal. Shredder planned to use that signal to find your body and get what he wants.” Karai finished.

“So what does this have to do with the plan?” Moonlight asked.

“If we can find a second host for the serum, then we can inject Shredder with the other part. Once one of the hosts kills themselves, most likely the host on our side, Shredder will die as well. This way, we do not have to risk more than just one life.” Karai said.

“Then who is willing to kill themselves for the sake of good?” Moonlight asked sarcastically. She could think of a million better ways to watch Shredder die. This not being one of them.

“I have a few volunteers of my own.”

“Then why the hell do you need us?” Moonlight asked.

“I need help getting to the secondary serum. Shredder keeps locked away. I need you and the turtles to get it for me. That is why I have made this deal with you. If you help, then you are free.”

“Why can’t you get to it? You are like a daughter to him.”

“He keeps it hidden even from me. Donatello has the brains enough to find where it is located. I do not know where it is. After we have it, I will give the first serum to Shredder, then one of my men will take the other. Finally, it will all be over.” Karai said.

“Why don’t you want the guys to know?”

“Because they will try and find another way to finish the mission. I also wanted to know if you were ok with this.”

“I see.” Moonlight said. “I’m in. Let’s tell everyone the plan.”

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