Chapter 7 Hearts

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Chapter 7: Hearts

After Moonlight had finally calmed down, she realized how right Splinter was. She was very weak. When Raph stepped away to let her stand on her own, she began to sway from side to side. Her leg felt like it was pressurized, waiting to explode. Before Moonlight could speak or do anything, Raphael grabbed her once more, and held her in his arms to keep her from falling. He bent down and crabbed her crutches, while helping her stand.

“Thanks” Moonlight said. She took the crutches and they began to walk into the kitchen where everyone was waiting.

“I’m so happy that we can actually have a normal human friend again.” Angel said looking at April, who was sitting at the table.

“What’s wrong with a turtle friend?” Mikey asked.

“Nothing, except the fact that you aren’t human.” April said with laugh.

“Point taken.” Mikey said laughing back.

It was good to see everyone getting along. Though they always had. Raph helped Moonlight sit down at the table, and sat across from her. Though Moonlight wasn’t very hungry, she ate a little of the food placed in front of her, because she could sense everyone looking at her. After a while everyone started to go home. April and Casey saying their goodbyes, followed by Angel. Soon after, Mikey left with Ana and Nano, taking Nobody with them. The only guest that now remained was Raptarr, who decided to spend the night. Raph and Leo had gone to bed early, for they had stayed up most of the night watching Moonlight. Splinter had also gone to his room.

“So is there a story behind your name ‘Moonlight’?” Raptarr asked.

“Yes there is. I was and early birthed child, and came to fast for my parents. I was born at night, outside on a full moon. My parents didn’t have enough time to get to a hospital.” Moonlight said.

After several hours of talking to Raptarr and Donny, the both of them helped Moonlight up to her room and placed her in the bed. After saying goodnight, the two of them left, and Moonlight was now alone.

The next morning when Raphael woke up, he could smell something cooking in the kitchen. Raph sat up in his hammock and looked around. He climbed out and walked onto the balcony right outside his room. He saw that Moonlight’s door was open, and when he looked inside, he saw that she was not there.

He made his way down to the kitchen, to find her leaning over the stove, mixing something. Even when weak, she still wanted ta cook? Raph thought. “Where are your crutches, and why are you out of bed?” Raph demanded.

“My crutches are by the table, and I feel fine to be out of bed. Breakfast is not going to cook itself. Now sit down, and stop your complaining.” Moonlight said in a cool voice.

Raph did what he was told and sat down. He watched as Moonlight limped across the kitchen, getting the rest of breakfast ready. One by one, Donny, Raptarr, Leo, and Master Splinter walked in. All of them giving each other looks of concern when they saw Moonlight on her leg.

“How do you feel?” Donny said as Moonlight handed him and Raptarr a plate of food.

“Oh fine.” Moonlight said with a smile.

After everyone had finished breakfast they all had gone their separate ways. Donny and Raptarr left for Avian at three in the afternoon, taking Splinter with them, and said they would stay there for the night. Leo also left to go and visit Nobody for the night as well. Once Mikey called, saying he would stay at the Justice Force building for another night, Moonlight and Raph were alone for the rest of the night.

After Moonlight and Raph helped each other cook dinner they put in a movie to help pass the time. Once the movie had ended, it was around 10pm. Moonlight’s eyes began to hang low, and she was about ready to head off to bed. Getting up from the couch, she said her goodnight to Raph and headed for her room. After putting on some boxer briefs, she rubbed ointment on her stiches. Donny had told she had to wear shorts to bed, and put the ointment on in order for her wound heal. Also, she had to take a pill that would help fight off any infection. Walking down to the kitchen to grab the pill, she noticed that Raph was still on the couch. After taking her medicine, she walked over to where Raph was sitting. He had told her he was going to bed as well, but yet, here he was.

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