Birthday Ball

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Alexei scanned the ballroom just as he did a year ago, however this time he wasn't downing a glass of wine or being antisocial, barely talking to anyone. This time he as having fun, standing on the stage with a smile on his face. There were many people here today, maybe even a bit more than last year. This year though, there was much more to celebrate. He would become the Tsar sometime this year, and Alexei knew it would be soon. Nicholas had promised Alexei he would be the Tsar before he was 20, and he was now 19.

Alexei was ready to take on the position of Tsar,  he was quite literally born for it. Olive would be Tsarina too, though definitely not right away. They had both agreed they wanted their wedding to be a completely different focus from his coronation. Alexei knew he wasn't doing it by the book and was going a different route from what the other Tsars in his family did, though as long as he was ruling properly it didn't matter how he got married and came into power.

Alexei spotted Olive,  who was dancing happily with one of her old friends from the children's home she used to live in- Hugh, Alexei remembered. He had invited all of Olive's family, which he had only thought was fair. He loved seeing the little ones, especially Claire who was in awe with him. She always called him prince, not Alexei, but Alexei thought it was sweet, so he didn't mind. Emma, Olive's friend, was expecting a baby in about two months. Alexei had always wanted children, though he hoped his child would not inherit hemophilia from him and have as many complications as he did.

  Olive was now talking with Emma, and Alexei stayed on the stage with his mother, like last year. His father was sadly away in his office, working on papers. Olive was smiling at Emma who had her hand put on her bulging stomach. Emma wanted Olive and Alexei to be the godparents of her child, and they had both accepted happily.  Alexei wasn't sure why Emma had chosen him until she told him he had made Olive happy, so he deserved the honor. That made him happy, he was glad he had her family's approval.

Olive hugged Emma, careful of her stomach, and then scanned the crowd, a smile on her face. Alexei guessed she was looking for him, and he smiled to himself,  walking off the stage and into the crowds. He made his way over to Olive, her fire red hair making her stand out like a sire thumb. "Lady Olive, are you looking for me?" He said, and she jumped having not noticing him. She turned, a smile on her face. "Alexei! Don't sneak up on me like that!"  She scolded, playfully hitting him on his arm. Alexei smirked, and he knew she hated it when he smirked at her. She always threatened to smack it off of him, though she never did.

"I didn't mean to scare you, you just jump easily. " he teased, grabbing her hand. Olive rolled her eyes, and Alexei knew if he didn't have her hand and they weren't in the middle if a ball, she would cross her arms. "I do not! " She protested, a smile plastered on her face even though she was being teased. Alexei nodded in mock understanding, nodding his head to Olga, who was dancing with Erickson across the room. "Ah, I see. That's why that one time when Olga walked into the room, you jumped and dropped the book you were holding." He said, and Olive pointed a finger at him with the hand she had free. "I was very caught up in that book! I didn't notice her!" She protested, and Alexei saw he wasn't going to win, so he let it go.

"Alright,  I'll let it go, but you have to dance with me first." He said,  and Olive smiled shaking her head. "Well, I planned on dancing with you anyways, so that's a bad deal. " she said, but let him put his arms around her anyways, surrendering.  Alexei chuckled, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before they started dancing. He remembered the first time they danced, which was also the first time they had met. It had been so awkward he recalled, Olive had looked everywhere in the room besides at his face. "Do you remember that lipstick print you left on my cheek last year?" He asked smiling.

Olive nodded, her face lighting up in recognition. "Yes! I remembered me running off without saying anything because I was so embarrassed. " she said, her face was so bright and happy, Alexei loved seeing her like that. "My family saw it and I had to run to the bathroom to wash it off before everyone saw. " He said, chuckling. Olive grinned, her rosy cheeks turning a bit red. "I can only imagine Anastasia's teasing." Olive said, chuckling. It was true, if something embarrassing happened to you leave it ti Anastasia to tease you about it for the rest of your life.

Anastasia relentlessly teased Alexei about Olive, but they were all innocent accusations so he didn't complain. Maria was so tenderhearted for romance, she asked Alexei everyday for details if their courtship. Alexei gave her vague details and from what he could tell Olive did too because Maria always only knew small details.  Tatiana and Olga were never ones to boast about their romances either,  but then again they were genuinely quiet about those kind of things. Alexei sensed Olive may tell Emma the details of their relationship, but only because she had known Emma her whole life.

"Alexei? Are you okay?" Olive asked, waving her hand in the air beside him. Alexei realized he must have spaced out and shook his head, clearing his mind.  "Yes, love. I'm alright. My mind just wandered a bit." He said, putting a smile on his face. Olive nodded slowly,  looking over to where Maria was. Maria was dancing with a young guard, which wasn't very surprising. Maria had always had a knack for the guards, she always took their innocent flirtatious ways to heart, as she did with everything.

"I'm going to grab a drink, I'll catch up with you later." Olive said, and Alexei reluctantly let her go. He looked over to the table where drinks were being served, and saw his cousin Ileana. Whenever Alexei was younger, him and Ileana were thought to be married, though It never happened. They may have had a small spark back when they were children, but it was certainly gone now. Ileana and her family had came from Romania to see them, and her and Olive became quick friends, hitting it off. Though it wasn't the main reason they had visited, they had all wanted to meet Olive, who would likely be their next Tsarina.

"Alright, and try not to get drunk on my birthday please!" Alexei said, teasing her again. Olive glared at him, and Alexei wondered how he had not been hit. "It certainly won't be an issue!" She shot back, smiling. He was glad she wasn't actually mad at him, though she hadn't ever really gotten and at him, not yet anyways. Alexei shook hid head, smiling. Sometimes her attitude could be as red hot as her hair. He then went back up on the stage, watching the ball go on in front of him.

Hey guys! I'm proud of myself for getting this chapter up so early, even though it's pretty bad lol. Thank you for reading this and thank you ltyytl for supporting and voting for the last book so much, and thank you. @MysteriousSilver for your support too! ! I have big plans for this book so stay tuned!

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