Chapter 1

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The New York streets were bustling and in full swing even by the hour of seven am. Office workers rushed to work, school children ran for the bus and taxis rushed past each other carrying their fairs, all the while the subway racketed below. However just because a city is up and alive, doesn't mean all its inhabitants are.


Grumbling Peter rolled over his side on his top bunk not caring for his aunts voice disturbing his sleep.

"Peter Parker you are going to be late if you don't get up!"

His half effort response was the same.

"You have 30 seconds before I start filling a glass of water!"

At that Peter decided it was best he get up. So giving a yawn large enough to fit a double Decker bus he stumbled to his door, opening the door and stepping over the door frame and out into the hallway, thankfully catching himself and realising he was walking on the ceiling before he reached the kitchen. Completing a lazy flip he was standing back on the floor as he finally made it to the kitchen table.

"Oh so you are alive!" May sarcastically exclaimed. Naturally she was up and dressed already, her make up pristine bound to attract more men.

"Barely." Peter yawned.

"Wow you seem tired Pete." May said placing a plate of toast in front of him, catching onto the bags under his eyes "What time did you get to sleep last night? In fact saying that you don't seem to be getting much sleep lately."

"I'm not sure, I was just... thinking, about things. I guess."

"Do you mean Liz?"

"Yeah." Peter grasped the handed excuse.

"It wasn't your fault that her dad was a criminal, and you have her email don't you? So you can always talk to her even though she's moved away."

Yeah but it was my fault he got arrested, Peter thought bitterly to himself.

"By the way, even though you just got up did you hear about a group pf robbers who were caught and arrested just three blocks down the street."

I was there, Peter said mentally. Last night had been busy as there had been a whole gang of robbers robbing several houses at once. There idea, Peter guessed, was to make so many police calls that the police couldn't respond to them all. Either way, it was a dozy compared to the Vulture. And so Peter was more than happy to take things 'easy' at the moment. Well at least as easy as it came when you were Spiderman.

"N-no I didn't hear. Glad those guys are off the streets though."

"Yes me too. But I suggest you get an early night tonight and get some decent sleep. After all, a growing boy like you needs his energy to grow his manly parts."


By the time Peter left his flat his cheeks were still a dusty pink from embarrassment and May was still giggling. Geez, and I though I was meant to be the teenager. However he could never stay mad at May for long, she was always quirky and keeping life lively. And at the current moment, life was taking a better turn, for everyone.

Making it to the train station and passing the usual Kiosk glancing at the headlines of the newspapers they mainly read 'James Buchanon Barns cleared of all charges'. Peter allowed himself a secret smile, having fought the Winter Solider, Barns or Bucky himself. Still thinking his metal arm was very very awesome.

Over the past 2 months a lot had happened concerning the Avengers. As it turned out secretary Ross had been with holding vital Intel from officials as well as the public. Not informing anyone that Hydra agent Rumlow and terrorist Zemo had been responsible for the bombs in Wakanda and Vienna, and so he had been fired. With Ross gone he was replaced with someone appointed by the King of Wakanda, T'Challa. Or as Peter knew him, Black Panther.

Following that the Sokovia Accords were abolished, and those who went against them facing trial and being reinstated as Avengers. And now the Winter Solider had been cleared of all charges as well. So in essence, the world was getting back to normal, well. As normal as it could get with superheroes flying or swinging about the place.

The train came to a halt, Peter taking that as his usual cue to get off the platform, down the stairs and up the front entrance of his school. On the way to his locker he heard various voices talking about The Winter Soldiers pardon and about the Avengers being back together, again, he smiled at the fact he knew far more than any other student ever would.

Scrolling in the code for his locker he scanned for the books he would need first lesson, when a miniature Han Solo graced his shoulder.

"Would you give me a hand in building my Millennium Falcon so me and Chewy can help the resistance?"

"No way." Peter gasped turning to face Ned who stood there very proudly holding his Han Solo LEGO figure "How many pieces has it got this time?"

"Over 1000."


"I know right. And the box it huge, by the looks of it its going to be just as big as my Death Star!"

"Um... no it wont."

At the entrance of the third voice the two boys turned to see a (H/C) haired girl stood there hesitantly a couple of lockers down, holding onto a bunch of textbooks as though for dear life.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to ease drop!" she started in a rambling rush "It's j-just, it's just that I've got a LEGO Millennium Falcon at home and in comparison to the box its actually very small, I just just didn't want you to be disappointed. B-but but its very fun to build."

The two nerds, stunned by another nerd, looked as though they were about to say something when the shrill bell rang, and the girl was more than glad for the escape. Giving a timid quick smile she rushed off to a classroom.

"Pinch me. I'm dreaming." Ned almost whispered.

"A girl who likes Star Wars and LEGO?"

"Who even was she?"

"I don't have a clue."

Hope you guys enjoy this story. And just to clarify I'm British so some things I write may be inaccurate. Thanks for reading!

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