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I'll get straight to the point. First off don't panic as this book is not being put on hold or ending. However I haven't let you guys know but its been really stressful updating daily, some nights I've been up until 10 just to get a chapter out.

I rush to get the chapter done and then it turns out rubbish. So to keep the quality of this book consistent I'm going to be updating once a week. I know its a big jump from daily updates, but I just can't do it anymore as its less than a month until I start my foundation course and I need to practice my skills.

So here's what's happening in condensed terms

1. This book is continuing

2. Updates will now be weekly and not daily

3. Please do not leave comment for me to update faster, but by all means comment if you are enjoying the book

4. Please continue to read and enjoy this book

Thank you ^^

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