Chapter 42

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~ A week later ~

"Come on (Y/N) you can do it!"

"I'm doing it, don't worry."

"Just take your time."

"I am, don't worry."

"Jeez you two, she isn't a cripple or a dog."

Peter and Ned looked to MJ, all four in a physio room, (Y/N) learning how to use her new prosthetic leg and walking down a row if support handles. Whilst Peter had his arms out stretched every step of the way frantic she'd fall, and Ned stood at the other end of the support handles holding up a chocolate bar in motivation.

"Well, technically I am sought of a cripple." (Y/N) shrugged.

"Not with a kickass leg like that you're not." MJ smirked.

The day after Peter had woken up the two contacted Ned and MJ inviting them to the facility, (Y/N) having contacted them as soon as possible to let them know they'd survived after they'd left the movie theatre. And they'd been up pretty much every day since Peter woke up.

Also as Tony had promised he'd made a virbrabium bespoke leg for (Y/N), and she'd been spending the last week trying to get used to it. But it was tricky. For one her left over leg had to get used to supporting her body weight along with the other metal half. That and the fact vibranium was practically weightless, so she felt nothing when she moved her leg, and she had to get used to the fact her metal leg could love to her nerves commands, with this prosthetic limb bring the same as Bucky's.

Apparently the science department in Wakanda along with Tony had gone crazy over this project.

"Yeah it is pretty kickass, that and Tony says he's going to give it an upgrade every year, although I'm not sure what he'll upgrade."

"Isn't he also working on a slight weight for you to put on the leg so that it isn't light?" Peter recalled, his steps being sink with (Y/N)'s.

"Yeah, he says it'll be the equivalent of training wheels though and- whoa!"

Letting her foot slip from under he she toppled to the floor.

"Are you okay!?" Peter panicked.

"Yeah I'm fine." She chuckled at him lightly.

Ned then knelt down and placed the chocolate bar in her hand.

"You still technically made it."

"Oh God Ned!" She laughed getting back up.

But (Y/N) was glad when she heard Peter give a small laugh as well. Over the past week he'd hardly left her side as they kept visiting the facility for her physio sessions. And she knew Peter hadn't stopped blaming himself for her lost leg, or Harry's pain, or Gargan and Norman's death.

She knew that when he went home every night he'd sneak out at night and as Spiderman would fight crime into the very early hours of the morning, trying to make up for his past mistakes. She knew he had been crying a lot from his nearly now constant pink eyes. And she knew everyone was worried about him.

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