Chapter 27

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A low ring came to Ned's ear. Tapping his ear piece his eyes fixed on the computer screen.

"Go for Ned."

"Are you tracking Peter's phone yet!?"

Running down the streets, phone to ear and scarf clumsily tied to her face (Y/N) needed to find somewhere she could retract her wings and take off and get to Peter ASAP.

"I am now." tapping rapidly the streets flashed on the screen "He's 10 blocks away from your current position."

"That's half a mile!" she screamed in frustration jumping over various things blocking her path ducking and dodging past other people. Unfortunately not as gymnastic as Peter.

All the while getting glares suspected of her being a criminal in her scarf.

"Why don't you just fly? It'll be quicker and Peter's still on the move."

"I've got to find somewhere big enough to retract them and take off, right now the crowds are too busy so running's my best bet."

"Take the next alleyway to your left."

Turning sharply as Ned instructed thankfully nothing obstructed her path as she ran in between the buildings coming out the other end.

"What way now!?"

"Go right, he's 15 blocks away now."

"Oh shit!"

Still tracking Peter's progress Ned was suddenly interrupted.

"What are you doing in here Mr Leeds?"

Eyes darting up Ned had his own enemy to face as the teacher stood there, expression stern and arms crossed.

"Class started 20 minutes ago, care to tell me what you're doing in here?"

Licking his lips looking for an excuse his face remained neutral as he slowly said the only thing that came to mind.

"I... was... reading porn."

"What kind of excuse is 'I'm reading porn'!?"

(Y/N)'s eyes growing wide as she realized she had said that as she had passed a group of children and their mother.

"Sorry!" she called back "Ned!?"

"Sorry (Y/N) I've been caught, I've sent his last location to your phone." Ned apologized as the teacher led him out of the computer room and to the principles office.

Having to stop with a painful stitch (Y/N) clucthed her side, her phone in her sweaty palm. She wanted to rip of the sodding scarf to breath in some fresh air but she needed to help Peter. Help Spiderman.

Looking at the screen she gave a large huff seeing Spiderman had stopped 20 blocks away. Growling under her breath she put her phone back in her pcoket.

"Fuck this!"

Running out into the road, ignoring the honking horns, she retracted he wings before hastily taking off. Another T-shirt ruined.

"I'll just have to fix it later!"


Shooting a final web, swinging and landing sticking the landing Spiderman found himself if a place he hadn't visited in a long time. The now destroyed and abandoned old lair of the Vulture, the area surrounded by collapsed buildings and ruble the ground being dusty with patches if grass and weeds.


The Goblin hovered above arms wide open majestically.

"You know I never thought I'd use this thing more than once." he mocked holding the tracker up "But I guess that's just the way things work out."

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