Chapter 13

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"So what's in your rucksack?"


"Sorry, backpack."

"Oh!" Sparing a glance from the road Peter made sure his backpack was still on the back seat where he had tossed it. "J-just some things that I need to do for the Stark Internship, you know, boring tables and charts."

"Oh okay."

When in actual fact Peter had his Spiderman suit in that bag, just in case, as he didn't have time to put it under his regular clothes. (Y/N)'s letter had said to be at the new Avengers facility by ten am, and Peter knew better than to keep Tony waiting, as he didn't doubt this whole thing was his idea. He still couldn't believe he had sent that bag.

"What's Mr Stark like?"

"Sorry what?"

Peter had missed her question concentrating on the road. Having passed his test he was driving them both to the new facility, in his swanky car from Tony.

"What's he like?" (Y/N) repeated.

"He's uhh... he's nice."


"Yeah, but very confident though b-but in a good way. I mean he gave me this car."

"He just gave you this expensive car!? Wow, maybe if I chat him up I could get a nice new car. Its odd as in Britain you have to be 17 to take your test. When did you pass your test?"

"About a month ago."

"And how did that go?"


"It went okay."

(Y/N) nodded looking back out the window.

"Do you have any idea why I got that letter and bag though?"

"Well..." Peter had to choose his words carefully "I had to go to the Avengers Tower and talk to Happy, Tony's security manager guy, and my phone went off, and he sort of asked about you."

"He asked about me!? But, wait... I thought the Avengers tower had been sold."

"It was but, but the new owners haven't moved in yet. And I needed to see Happy urgently so we just met at the tower. So me, Happy and Tony were just stood in an empty room with a desk a swivel chair."

"Okay, but what kind of things did he ask about?"

"Well Happy and Tony are actually good friends, they were just curious that I had a new friend. They like hearing my funny stories about Ned and MJ."

"But that still doesn't answer why he wants to meet me."

"I'm afraid I can't answer that either..."

"I guess we'll find out soon enough."

Just then Peter rounded the corner and the facility came onto view. (Y/N) fell silent and a stunned expression molded onto her face.

"I had that exact same face." Peter chuckled.

"Shit! Keep your hands on the wheel!"

"No no! It's alright! Look, the car does it itself."

"I think one heart attack is enough for today."

Pulling up and parking the two got out the car to see Happy waiting.

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