Chapter 38

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"They're invalid."

"What are?"

"The bowling tickets." (Y/N) said holding up the now useless orcas of paper.

"Oh God I'm sorry." He groaned banging jus head against the book shelf in the library they were in.

"What have you got to ge sooty for?" She read the blurb of a possible book.

"Well if I hadn't been ill Saturday we could have gone."

"Don't apologise for being ill silly."

Besides (Y/N) had come to her own silent conclusion that it was that that weirdo in the red leather spandex was the reason Peter had been ill.

"Yeah but it wasn't just the date it was all of Sunday too and you had to do the rounds by yourself."

"Don't worry I was fine. The only irritating thing was Tony calling and me having to try and make sure I didn't let it slip that you were ill."

"You are honestly a God send, thank you for telling him I was ill."

"Well I am named after a Goddess." she chuckled.

Finally she chose a book and checked it out and the two headed to the canteen where MJ and Ned were waiting.

"H-hey, um, are you free this Saturday?" Peter asked hesitantly.

There they were again, those butterflies in his stomach again despite basically having this conversation last week. But then again it had been (Y/N) who had done most of the talking.

"Well not in the morning as my dads want me at some family event, but I'll be free in the afternoon, and then you know what we do in the evenings." But then she twigged onto what he was getting at "Do you wanna try again this weekend?"

"Yeah, as you know we didn't get to last weekend, and I was looking online and the Kingsman squeal comes out this Saturday-

"I'd love to." she cut him off with a bright smile.


For the rest of the day Peter couldn't help grinning like a goof, and although he'd deliberately asked in an area he had checked with Karen had none of Happy's surveillance equipment. Literally he had checked the entire school and over 75% of it was rigged. There were was someone who was still able to figure out the situation very easily.

The school day finished and of course (Y/N) and Peter dashed off to their rounds, it no longer looking suspicious that they went off together in a rush at the end of every school day. Leaving MJ and Ned to make their own way home.

But as MJ was headed out the school thinking which book she would read next Ned came running after her.


She was kind enough to stop in her tracks as Ned panted to a halt.

"I.. I need to tell you something."


"I think Peter and (Y/N) are going to go on their first date this weekend!" he practically squealed being the fan boy he was.

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