Chapter: 35

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Away from the party the highschoolers weren't the only ones staying up long into the night. As Tony sat at his desk at the Avengers facility dragging holograms here and there, eyes scanning various camera and CCTV feed backs, but all his efforts were infuriatingly fruitless in finding out where the Goblin was.

Sighing heavily he lent back in his seat feeling a pair of arms hug him behind.

"Come on Tony you've been working long enough." Pepper said.

"What do you mean? It's not even midnight."

"Yes but that you haven't gotten away from your computer for three days now."

"Well I've got to catch this guy."

"I know you have to, but you can't do that as tired as you are."

"Just five more minutes."

"You've been saying that for the past three days."

"Yeah well I mean it this time."

"Tony, a couple of hours sleep wont kill you."

"Yeah but it might kill them."

"Now don't panic so much, you've got Happy keeping an eye on them and they've got the fancy suits you made them. Not only that the rest of the Avengers seem to like those kids just as much as you now."

"Fine." he gave up in a huff standing up from his chair.

But just as Pepper thought she had won Tony's phone started to ring. Pulling it out it was Happy calling.

"What's wrong?" He asked Iron dad activating.

"Relax boss, I just thought you might want to see this."

The screen then switched to a shaky video of a high school party taken from just outside the building, and there were two very recognizable figures at the center of it all. As the video played and the figures kissed Tony's eyes grew wide, and then into a smirk of impressiveness.

"Is that?" Pepper began to ask.

"It sure is."

The vedio ended at the kids cheering and screaming and Happy's face came back onto the screen.

"So go tease the kid or whatever you want. I just knew you'd fire me if I didn't tel; you."

"What are you talking about Happy? I could never fire you. Now I've got to go make a call."

Ending the call he glanced at Pepper as though asking for permission.

"Alright, you've got ten minutes and then I'm dragging you to bed."

"I'd better make it count then."

~ Meanwhile~

Giving a large yawn Peter tracked up the many flights of stairs up to his apartment, Ned's mum having dropped the entire gang off home. But he remained confused as to why he could stay up into the early hours of the morning as Sprier-man, yet couldn't manage a party that went onto 11.

Reaching the door he fumbled with his keys hoping the doors creaking wouldn't wake May, but that became irrelevant when he saw he perched on the sofa watching TV with a cup of tea. Her face lighting up as soon as she saw him.

"How was it?" she asking skipping off the sofa.

"May, what are you still doing up? You have work tomorrow don't you?"

"Oh skip the details, I wanted to see how my Tigers first party with his girlfriend went."

At remembering the events of this evening a blush crept to his face, brightly visible even in the light of the one lamp.

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