Chapter 30

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"Hey Dad!? Did you get dinner on yet!?" (Y/N) called chucking her keys in the bowl by the door.

But glancing around the apartment she could tell no one was home aside from Chewy who came running up desperate for a fuss. Inspecting the side where notes were kept she found what she was looking for.

Hey Sweetheart,

Your dads been called on another emergency call again and I've gone to teach my friend Lilly to make macaroons to impress her girlfriend. Something came for you in the post which I left in your room, I think your dad will want to talk to you about it later.

Dad xxx

"Oh great(!)"

First she'd had a boring day at school, then Peter went to do his rounds and she couldn't join him because Tony said she couldn't until he finished her suit, and now her dads would probably give her a lecture when they got home for a package she hadn't even ordered.

"It's probably the neighbors package again." she thought out loud walking to her room.

However rather than a brown package like she had expected there was a large silver case on her bed, it seemed rather heavy and expensive.

"What the heck?"

Chewy hopped onto the bed and started sniffing the case.

"Chew get off." she brushed him away.

There was also a envelope on top of. It was white with her name simple on it. Tearing it open she started to read the letter, no 'dear' or 'to', just a quick message in the dead center.

A minor upgrade.

Panacea - Greek Goddess of universal health

(Y/N) was now beyond confused. So clicking the lock on the case it opened automatically suddenly revealing a brightly coloured suit and mask!


Looking at awe in the suit she opened and closed her mouth no words finding their way past her lips. Chewy as curious as ever jumped back onto the bed sniffing the fabric. There was a pair of high tech looking goggles, a mask that looked like it was made out of the same materiel as Peter's Spider suit.

And then there were a pair of gloves with what looked like a whole suit folded underneath. Delicately she removed each item to find an entire suit. There was a body suit like Peter's but then there were a separate pair of boots, gloves, jackets, belt and mask.

"This is the greatest day of my life!" she squealed running into the bathroom dumbly holding the entirety of the suit.

It was quicker and easier than she thought to slip on the suit as it was rather loose until she pressed a button of the center and then it hugged her body. Then puling on the over jacket and gloves they too fitted perfectly, not only that they felt very sturdy and durable. Next was the mask which nearly stuck to her face, no fear of any identify being revealed here.

The boots slipped on nicely too and some grip which would make it easier to make solid landings plus they were padded which was practical and comfortable. Standing in the bath tub to get a half decent look with everything on aside the goggles she looked like someone entirely different.

"I can't believe Mr Stark made this suit so fast."

It was just like Peter and his suit, you wouldn't think it was him until the mask was pulled off. She then put on her goggles but the moment they were on a surge of electricity ran through her suit and she suddenly heard a voice.

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