Chapter 2

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"Alright class we're starting out study of To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, we'll start of by reading the first chapter this lesson and then do essay practice in the next."

Various groans were mumbled throughout the classroom at the thought of having to write an essay, several students already resigning themselves to spending the lesson napping. The teacher handed out a copy of the book to each student. Peter receiving his was already thinking of how he could get Karen to read him an audio book as he went on his nightly rounds.

He glanced at MJ and saw she was positively static at the thought of reading in class and not being told off for once.

"So can you make it tonight?"

Peter's gaze shifted from MJ to Ned, who was waiting for an answer.

"Sorry what?"

"To build my Millennium Falcon."

"Um, yeah. Yeah I think I can make it, I've got the Stark Internship this evening but you know after that, I'm all up for it."

"Oh yeah, the internship." Ned nodded with a knowing smile.

Peter shot him a look as not to hint to anything about him being Spider-man. But Ned's expression suddenly changed to that on one of surprise. Ned then exclaimed in a hushed excited whisper.



"Its her! She's in our class!" he said rapidly tapping Peter's shoulder and pointing.

Following his finger Peter also shared Ned's expression as he too saw that the LEGO Star Wars enthusiast was sat right there at the front of the classroom, reading the blurb of her given book. But the second thing Peter noticed, was that she was sat where Liz used to sit.

Another thing that had happened in the past two months was the Vulture's trial, but rather than the Vulture, at the school he was simply known as 'Liz's dad'. The rumors went around for weeks about how her whole family were apparently criminals, and had been dating centuries back.

Peter had felt guilt swelling in his chest wanting to correct every idiot who believed those lies, but there was no way in doing that without giving a solid excuse as to how he knew the details. Fortunately Liz's old friends, who had popularity of their side, had spoken up and were actually listened to.

And as soon as the trial ended, so did the rumors around the school about the past student.

"I wonder what her name is?" Ned thought out loud. Sparking Peter's curiosity about the new classmate again.

"I don't know, aren't new students usually announced at the beginning of class?"

"You losers were absent yesterday so missed her introduction." MJ interjected not looking up from her book.

"What so she started going to this school yesterday?" Peter asked.


It was then Peter recalled that he had taken the day off school yesterday, Monday to get his suit checked up by the drones at the Avengers tower, and Ned had been sick with a 24 hour bug. In fact Peter had swung by and made a web hammock for him to cheer him up as he went on his evening rounds. So that's why they hadn't recognized the new student.

"Do you think she'd want to be friends with us?" Ned asked hopefully as the two stared at her back.

"You've got no chance. You 2 are losers and she's actually cool."

"What do you mean actually cool?" Peter questioned, head tilted. He'd never actually heard MJ compliment someone.

"She likes books like me. So she's cool."

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