Chapter 11

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Back to the scene of a classroom it wasn't odd to see the dazed faces looking to the front of the class as the teacher droned on about the symbolism of the latest chapter of To Kill A Mockingbird. Naturally though the students found ways to secretly entertain themselves.

MJ was of course reading a book that in no way was related to the class, Flash was picking on a classmate, Ned was secretly texting under the desk, whereas (Y/N) had found a slightly different past time.

Being devious and to make it look like she was taking notes she had a notebook peaking out from under her textbook, doodling away. All day and all of last night her mind had been completely occupied by the events of last night, when she had spent those glorious 20 minutes under shelter chatting to the local web slinger.

He had been so gentleman like, constantly thanking her for the food and not leaving until her bus came. Other things that had taken place last night included her being teased by her dads about being mistaken for Peter's girlfriend and apparently flirting with the Spiderman.

Then Maurice and Silas got into a petty argument about whether (Y/N) was in danger or just practicing her self defense skills.

But now her mind was completely occupied by Spiderman. She doodled in her notebook trying to remember his suit, it was brilliant in her eyes. It was seamless and looked so durable, and then the design was just fantastic.

However she did get a little aggravated when her sketches weren't all that great, due to her being better at other things. Not only that she couldn't remember a fair few details. Giving up for the time being she's just ask to snap a photo of him if she ever saw him again.

Joining the lesson again she didn't know what was going on and what the teacher was talking about so she glanced about the classroom. Only to see there was one empty desk.

"Hey..." (Y/N) whispered leaning towards Ned's desk.

"Hmm?" Ned hummed looking up.

"Do you know where Peter is? I can't see him."

(Y/N) felt as though she should say something about yesterday after the incident with Harry Osborn. Saying something meaning they both agree to just say it never happened.

"Oh w-well." Ned slid his phone back into his pocket "He... over slept."

"Over slept For over two hours?"

"He's a heavy sleeper."


"I can't believe I had to get up at six am for this bullshit!"

Running over the rooftops Spiderman was on a frantic chase for what could or could not be the Goblin. Karen was linked to his watch and had woken him up an hour before he normally would telling him there was a crime taking place across town that could be the Goblin.

So getting into his suit, slinging his school bag on his back, and leaving a note to May saying he had to go to school early for some sort of project, he set off. Then when he got where Karen had said, it had turned out to something equally dangerous. A small, dirty, powerful bomb, hidden in a flat screen TV of all things.

A man had just been unloading it from his car, saying how he could easily buy another with the extra pay he got from his promotion. By this time it was seven am and Karen had another alert. Having to frantically swing half way across the city it turned out to be another bomb!

This time it was hidden in a bin in the park, next to a bench where an office lady was sitting. She barely had a chance to thank him before she had to run off to a meeting. And then there was a third bomb! At this point Spiderman called Tony only to be unable to get through.

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