Chapter 8

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There was a skip in (Y/N)'s step as she climbed up the stairs up to her apartment, not caring that her train back had been late or that the elevator was broken, as nothing could dampen her mood at the moment. I can't beleive it! My first study group ever! Unlocking her door she continued to skip, happily greeted by her bouncy Yorkie.

"Hey buddy how are you?" she smiled.

"So how was your study date?" Silas asked eager as ever.

"It was brilliant, and as it turns out Peter lives quite close by. Plus his aunt May was really nice."

"Well I'm just happy to see my baby girl finally being social." he ruffled her hair.

"Yeah, but remember I'm being social with fellow geeks and bookworms."

"As long as you're not stuck in your room all day, I don't mind at all. Besides, we both know you're more than capable of taking care of yourself."

"Right I'm going to go put my stuff in my bedroom."

"Do you want any dinner!?" Maurice called from the kitchen, probably making coffee or tea.

"No thank you I had some meatloaf earlier!"

"What ingredients were in it?"

"Like heck if I know!"

(Y/N) had come back rather late so the only other thing she could do that night was really tell her dads what had happened, have a hot drink and then hit the hay. But checking her phone one last time before going to be bed she had a new text message.

Peter: Hey there! Sorry about my Aunt May, she can get over excited whenever I get new friends

(Y/N) felt her heart racing. Oh my gosh! O my gosh! Oh my gosh! Another text conversation! Now I have one for all the guys! In her last school (Y/N) hadn't had many friends, not ones she had ever traded numbers with anyway. So to have three new text conversation in just over a week was an extraterrestrial event for her.

For a solid five minutes she considered what she would text back, before finally typing it out being sure to check for any and all typos.

(Y/N): Don't worry about it! Like I said I'm more than familiar with embarrassing parents

She hoped that sounded alright, but it must have as a few seconds later he texted back.

Peter: Yeah well I bet your parents never kissed you in front of your teacher at a parents evening

(Y/N): No they just started flirting with each other XD

Peter: And here you were saying you didn't have any stories

(Y/N): Well technically they're their stories not mine

Peter: Still funny to hear I bet

(Y/N): Well I'll try and remember as many as I can tomorrow

Smiling to himself Peter was glad he had texted, worried that May had been a bit forward, but thankfully not. And from (Y/N)'s texts she seemed far more confident behind a screen rather than face to face. However unlike (Y/N) he wasn't at home in bed, rather he was hanging upside down from a city building.

Despite 'taking the night off', he knew he wouldn't be able to rest happily knowing he hadn't at least swung around a couple of blocks at least checking out for things. And as he dangled there he heard sirens of police cars and fire engines passing, meaning he had been right to come out.

"Not again." he mumbled to himself putting his phone away.

Dropping down he landed on the back of a fire engine, letting it do the leg work for him. It went down a couple of blocks before pulling up to a grey dull looking warehouse which was crossed with a building. The iron door at the front looked as though it had been torn apart by claws though.

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