Chapter 24

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Who needs drugs? (Y/N) thought to herself scrolling through Pinterest. She was completely addicted to looking up cosplays and nifty sewing tricks when she wasn't doing homework or building Lego. Naturally she came across clothes and items inspired by the Avengers and other heroes.

Leading her thoughts to trial back to the Star Wars session earlier.

"So you can heal, and you can fly with big wings."

"Yes." (Y/N) said slowly wondering why Ned was yet again recounting her powers, but also concentrating on the Lego storm trooper she was placing carefully on the death star.


"What are you thinking about Ned?" Peter asked uneasily, placing pieces from a top, dangling from the ceiling on one his webs.

All were currently in Peter's room assembling the ultimate weapon, in Lego form.

"Well you've got the powers of a spider, so you're called Spiderman. I'm thinking you could have a name like Angel or something (Y/N). As you know, wings and healing powers are seen as angelic."

"I'm afraid that names been taken." she sighed.

"Really by who?"

"Hang on, back up, why would she need a superhero name!?"

"Because I'm going to help you track down the Goblin of course."

"What!?" loosing his grip Peter landed painfully on the floor, hissing in pain he sat up wobbly "Since when are you helping Spiderman, I mean me!"

"So whose the name been taken by?"

"You know back in 1983 when there was that really strong mutant called Apocalypse?"

"Course I do." Ned nodded.

"Hey stop trying to change the conversation. Since when are you helping me beat Goblin!?"

"Well he gave four other mutants some of his powers and one of them was called Angel, so if I was called Angel people might think I was a criminal."

"Oooh! Okay!"

(Go ahead and comment possible names along with your reasoning)


"Sorry Pete, I thought you said I could help." (Y/N) said simply turning to face him.

"Well I didn't say that, but I'm not in charge of you or of anyone, its your decision but that doesn't mean I wont protest with well constructed arguments."

"And how long do you need to construct those arguments?"

Peter fell silent as though doing rapid calculations.

"Dude." Ned chuckled "I don't see why you're not hyped by this, you've got someone helping you out!"

"But Ned you're forgetting that you, (Y/N) and MJ nearly died this week. And its only Wednesday."

The evening had also consisted of a very detailed explanation of how (Y/N) had found out about Peter being Spiderman, including the two making obtuse hand gestures provided with vocal sound effects.

"All the more reason for me to try and help you."

"She's got a point."

Sighing Peter knew he wouldn't win this argument.

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