Chapter 18

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Hospitals always contain worried relatives and friends which the staff are used to being firm yet kind to them. But they could never be prepared for a worried friend jumping and flipping over the staff and trollies.

After a phone call from Ned's dad Peter and May had driven to the hospital right away. And making it inside, ignoring the staff telling him Ned was okay Peter started to run to his room, jumping and flipping over all manor of obsticals both material and human. Shocking and impressing a lot of peoe in the process.

Spotting the room he needed his trainers squeaked painfully as he halted slightly knocking his head on the door frame.



At that moment Peter could very well have died from relief when saw Ned sat up in a hospital bed.

"Ned thank God..."

"You look like you just ran a marathon." Ned chuckled.

Whatever had happened Ned being his same cheery self was a brilliant sign.

"I think I just did." Peter gasped taking a seat "are you alright? What happened?"

All Ned's dad had told Peter on the phone was that Ned and his mum had been attacked at their apartment, and that they were both in hospital. 

"I'm okay.... I guess. Bit shaken up if I'm honest." He shrugged gesturing to his left arm which was now in a sling "where's May? Did she come with you?"

"She's parking the car. I nearly kinda sorta crashed a few times on the way over here. If it wasn't for the automatic steering I'd be in a hospital bed next you."

"That would be fun (!)"

"But seriously Ned, what happened?"

Ned seemed to hesitate for a moment, licking his lips and avoiding eye contact.

"Ned I know whenever you do that you're nervous or trying to hide something. What's wrong?"

Sighing he knew he'd find out eventually, most likely from his mum who his dad and the nurses were trying to keep in bed. She needed to rest but she kept insisting she needed to 'kill the bastard who tried to kill her son'.

"Okay. If I tell you, you have to promise one, not to freak out. And two, not to blame yourself."

"Why would I blame myself?"

"It was the Goblin."


"Or at least I think it was. But going on what you told me about him, there aren't many other guys flying around on hover boards ripping walls off apartments."

"He did what!?"

"Alright here's everything I can remember. I was in my room building Lego, I got it discounted at the store. And looking at the photos Mr Stark sent me, I've still got them but they're a little singed now. When kaboom!" He did the sound effect gesturing obtusely with his right hand "My bedroom wall was suddenly blown up! I was sent hurtling into my wall when I broke my arm. I got a good look at the Goblin, and he was laughing at me like some maniac. He then dropped a gas bomb and I passed out. But I had a really bad nightmare. According to the doctors, it was some sort of hallucinogenic gas."

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